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  Will it matter if I skip breakfast?
  If you have to miss meal a day,which meal will cause you fewer health problem if you don’t eat it?If they have to make a decision of this type, quite a few people will choose to skip breakfast.
  However, many experts in the field of health consider breakfast to be the most important meal of the day. They say if we eat a good breakfast, we’ll have the energy and nutrients(营养) we need to begin our working day with vigor(活力)and hopefully with good humor. Nevertheless, many people skip breakfast or substitute(代替)something like a cup of coffee for a well-balanced meal. What happens if we ignore(忽视) the importance of breakfast?
  One recent study conducted in the U.S. tested a large number of people. Participant(参与者) included both women and men of 12 to 83. During the experiment, these people were given a variety of breakfasts, and sometimes, they had to skip breakfast completely. Special tests, including blood tests and endurance(忍受) tests, were set up to analyze how well the participants’ bodies functioned(起作用) when they had eaten a certain kind of breakfast.
  The results shows that if a person eats enough breakfast, he or she will work more efficiently and more productively than if he or she skips breakfast or eats a very poor breakfast. This fact appears to be especially true if a person’s work involves(包含) mental activity. The study shows that if school children eat fruit,eggs, bread, and milk before going to school, they will learn more quickly and will be able to concentrate on their lessons for a longer period of time than if their breakfast diet is not enough.
  The study also shows that, contrary to(与……相反) what people believe,if you skip breakfast, you will not lose weight. This is because people become so hungry if they skip breakfast that they eat too much for lunch and end up gaining weight instead of losing. So remember, if you are on a diet(节食),skipping breakfast will not help you. You’ll probably lose more weight if you reduce your other meals.
  The origin of cheese
  No one knows who made the first cheese, but an old legend(传说)says that it was an Arabian merchant. He put his milk in a pouch made from a sheep’s stomach and set off across the desert. The jouncing(震动) of his camel, the desert heat, and the chemicals in the pouch lining made the milk separate into curds(凝乳)and whey(乳清). The thick part, or curd was the first cheese.
  Ancient records show that cheese has been eaten for more than one thousand years. From earliest time it has been considered a very nourishing food. Americans eat less cheese than people in some countries do; yet they still consume(消耗)eight to ten pounds a year per person.
  Today cheese is made all over the world. Most cheese is made from cow’s milk, because the supply of this milk is greater throughout the world. Smaller quantities come from the milk of other animals—goats, sheep, camels, and even reindeer(驯鹿).
雨 伞  跑进  茫茫的大雨中  我听见妈妈喊  孩子,带上雨伞    我跑了很远  那声音,被雨声淹没    一棵  接  一棵的大树  站在路边  为我遮挡雨点  像是着急的妈妈  早就跑到  我的前面  把雨伞撑开    犹 豫  一朵云  一把伞  一个苹果核儿  和  一群小蚂蚁  还有满天雨点  一个小孩  歪着头  在想  赶快回家  还是继续玩耍    出〓门  右边一抬头  一幢
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有人说,愚人节是一场建立在别人痛苦上的狂欢,有人快乐地挖陷阱,就意味着有人痛苦地掉进去。  更有人说,愚人节的一半是火焰,是狂欢的炽热,是开怀的大笑,而另一半却是海水,是被过火玩笑伤害的寒冷,是被恶意捉弄刺入心灵的疼痛。  无论怎样,你都得承认,这一天多滋多味,精彩和惊险迭起,担心和惊喜同在,忧虑与欢乐共存。    火焰篇:娱人娱己,囧事乐翻天    对我们初三学生来说,愚人节是一段不容错过的狂想
所谓数学思想方法,是指数学知识的抽象和概括,它蕴涵在数学知识的发生、发展和应用的过程中,它能够迁移和应用于相关学科和社会实践中,是数学的灵魂. 中学数学思想方法主要包括函数、方程、数形结合、分类讨论、化归转化、整体代换、构造等. 本文举例说明在中考试题中渗透的数学思想方法,供同学们参考.  一、方程思想  在初中数学中,我们学习了许多类型的方程和方程组的解法。例如,一元一次方程、一元二次方程,可化
A    村口的斜坡上有一棵年代久远的黄桷树,要三人合抱才能圈住它。黄桷树下竖着一块碑,上面刻有隶书“五素井”三字,刷上红漆,这就是小村的名字。  村子里并非只有五口井,反而,家家户户院子后的土地上,都镶嵌着一口井,这一口口深深浅浅的井,像大地上一只只清澈的眼睛,时时注视着、滋润着村里的每一个人。  我记得清楚,少年小文曾掉进过其中一只“眼睛”。  鸟窝一般的头发,粗粗的眉毛,黝黑的脸蛋,还有脸蛋
A    A tourist in Africa sent his mother an exotic bird for her birthday. When he got back to the States, he called her.“Hi, Mom,”he said.“How’d you like the bird I gave you?”  “It was delicious.”  “Y