
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ivan888111
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PURPOSE: To identify predisposed eyes, risk factors, and protective measures and to evaluate methods of treatment for fixed dilated pupil after penetrating keratoplasty (PKP) for macular corneal dystrophy (MCD) and keratoconus. DESIGN: Retrospective observational case series. METHODS: A retrospective review was conducted of the charts of 195 patients who had PKP for MCD and of 1800 patients who had PKP for keratoconus at the King Khaled Eye Specialist Hospital in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The review included an evaluation of the preoperative and intraoperative data and the postoperative course. In addition, clinical examinations at the last visit and photographs of the cornea, pupil, iris, and lens were analyzed. RESULTS: Twenty-one eyes of 18 patients had fixed dilated pupil after PKP; 15 eyes of 12 patients had MCD, and six eyes of six patients had keratoconus. A rise in intraocular pressure (IOP) during the procedure was seen in five patients (23.8% ). Fixed dilated pupil was documented on the first and second postoperative days and the second postoperative week in 17 (80.9% ), one (4.8% ), and three (14.3% ) eyes, respectively. Six eyes (28.6% ) of six patients had severe eye inflammation. Only one eye (4.8% ) regained partial reactivity of the pupil on followup visits. Seven eyes (33.3% ) experienced lens changes; nine eyes (42.8% ) had elevated IOP on the first postoperative day, and none of the eyes had chronic glaucoma. CONCLUSION: Inflammatory andmultifactorial pathologic condition can cause fixed pupil after PKP. Atropine use, keratoconus, and high IOP are not constant findings in this syndrome. Awareness of the risk factors of fixed dilated pupil will help prevent against its occurrence. PURPOSE: To identify predisposed eyes, risk factors, and protective measures and to evaluate methods of treatment for fixed dilated pupil after penetrating keratoplasty (PKP) for macular corneal dystrophy (MCD) and keratoconus. DESIGN: Retrospective observational case series. METHODS: A retrospective review was conducted of the charts of 195 patients who had PKP for MCD and of 1800 patients who had PKP for keratoconus at the King Khaled Eye Specialist Hospital in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The review included an evaluation of the preoperative and intraoperative data and the postoperative course: In addition, clinical examinations at the last visit and photographs of the cornea, pupil, iris, and lens were analyzed. RESULTS: Twenty-one eyes of 18 patients had fixed dilated pupil after PKP; 15 eyes of 12 patients had MCD, and six eyes of six patients had keratoconus. A rise in intraocular pressure (IOP) during the procedure was seen in five patients (23.8%). Fixed dilated pupil was documented on the first and second postoperative days and the second postoperative week in 17 (80.9%), one (4.8%), and three (14.3%) eyes, respectively. Six eyes (28.6%) of six patients had severe eye inflammation. Only Seven eyes (33.3%) experienced lens changes; nine eyes (42.8%) had elevated IOP on the first postoperative day, and none of the eyes had chronic glaucoma. one eye (4.8%) regained partial reactivity of the pupil on followup visits. CONCLUSION: Inflammatory and multifactorial pathologic conditions can cause fixed pupil after PKP. Atropine use, keratoconus, and high IOP are not constant findings in this syndrome. Awareness of the risk factors of fixed dilated pupil will help prevent its occurrence.
生活中,天花板上的蜘蛛网、窗户高处的玻璃、高挂的灯管、柜子顶上的灰尘等,都很不容易清扫。而且我发现一般的清扫工具功能单一,且其杆柄长度固定,不能实现任意高度的清扫。如果能有一款功能多样,且其长度能自由伸缩的清扫工具就好了。在老师的支持和帮助下,我经过多次尝试,设计出一款多功能高处清扫器。  这款多功能高处清扫器分为伸缩杆柄和清扫头两大部分。伸缩杆柄由外伸缩管和内伸缩管构成。内、外伸缩管均由若干段管
The vertical centrifugal-casting technique is widely used in the manufacture of various irregularly-shaped castings of advanced structural alloys with thin wall
目前,老年人、腿脚受伤或残疾的人使用的普通拐杖只有一只“脚”,这种拐杖存在很多弊端。首先,这种拐杖只有一个支撑点,在上楼梯时一次只能接触一个台阶,容易“站”不稳;其次,这种拐杖的接触点很小,使用时如果不注意,尤其是遇到湿滑的地板时,使用者很容易摔跤;第三,拐杖是老年人日常生活必备的工具,如果老年人要通过爬楼梯上高层,中途势必得休息,但是普通的拐杖却没办法让老人坐下休息。  鉴于普通拐杖的这些弊端,