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黄芩黄芩俗名山茶叶根、黄芩茶,为多年生草本植物。京郊各山区均产,以延庆較多,生長在半陰半阳地带。黄芩以谷雨至夏至、白露至立冬为采挖期。挖出后擰掉秧苗(注意不要損伤蘆头),晒至稍干,即装入荆条笼內开闖,闖淨粗皮,取出放在平地晒至四、五成干时再闖第二次。老皮全部闖掉即呈紅黄色,隨闖隨晒。闖过后防止露水和雨淋,否则茬即变綠。要闖三至四次表面成为淡黄色即为佳品。收起后,如不能及时加工,不要堆成大堆,以防爛茬。也不要让太陽暴晒,以免影响成品色澤跞胱笥疑沟酶苫跻唤铩? Astragalus membranaceus is a perennial herb that is known as tea root and astragalus tea. The mountains and suburbs of the Beijing suburbs are all produced in Yanqing and grow in semi-yin and semi-positive areas. Huang Wei to the valley to the summer solstice, Bai Lu to Li Dong for the excavation period. After unearthing, loosen the seedlings (be careful not to damage the head of the reed) and dry it until slightly dry, ie, put it into the cage of Vitex negundo, open the rind, remove the rough skin, and take it out on the flat ground until it reaches 40% or 50% dry, and then reapply it for the second time. . All the old skin is red and yellow, with the sun. Prevent dew and rain after simmering, otherwise it will turn green. It is a good thing to pick up three to four times the surface becomes pale yellow. After packing up, if it cannot be processed in time, do not pile it up into piles so as to prevent it from rot. Do not let the sun shine, so as not to affect the color of the finished product.
板蓝根为十字花科植物菘蓝Isatis tinct-oria L.的干燥根。据文献报道,其化学成分主要含有靛蓝、靛玉红、β-谷甾醇、吲哚甙、芥子甙以及7种氨基酸(精氨酸、谷氨酸、酪氨酸
(甲)生藥本品为芸香科植物黃柏(pheIIode ndron Amarense Rapr)或其他同屬植物的樹皮,經除去栓層干燥而成。本植物为落葉乔木、野生、葉对生,为奇數羽狀複葉,小葉卵狀,橢圓