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弹射起飞在工程技术上是一种“以小代大”的做法,它能充分克服舰载机自身动力不足的弱点,使其能以较大的起飞重量起飞离舰,自飞机上舰以来一直是人们解决其短距起飞的“最佳选择”。在出现了滑跃起飞方式后,曾经有观点认为战斗机的陆改舰采用滑跃起飞最为简单,但俄罗斯苏-33的发展实践却说明这种看法并不完全正确。人们现在已经意识到,陆基战机上舰还是采用弹射起飞更能达到改装的目的,只需要适当加强机身和起落架强度、在机身上安装弹射受力和着舰阻拦钩就可以了。当然,这也要看采用什么样的弹射联接方式,如果是拖索弹射,则改装是非常简单的;但如果是要采用前轮拖曳弹射方式,则情况又有所不同。早期的舰载水上侦察机是通过一个弹射滑轮与机身联接的,而在二战前和二战后数年时间中,舰载机从航母上弹射起飞一直采用的是拖索弹射。第二代舰载机上舰后,前轮拖曳弹射逐渐代替了拖索弹射。前轮拖曳弹射方式是把弹射钩设置在前起落架上,以致舰载机的前起落架就显得“与众不同”,并成为舰载机付出结构增重代价的重要原因。最近人们在讨论我国歼-10舰载前途时,就因为其腹部进气方式而被认为是不适合改装成弹射起飞舰载机。从早期喷气机的上舰实践看,如果采用拖索弹射方式,则陆基机上舰主要的改动就是加强机身的下部结构(这其实并不是难点),但如果采用前轮弹射方式,就会引起前机身结构的重新设计和重心配置问题,因此战斗机陆改舰的改装难度实际上是通过前起落架的改进体现出来的。考虑到将歼-10和新型重型多用途战斗机改装成舰载战斗机有很大的经济意义和军事意义,而现代弹射技术的特点与舰载机适应弹射起飞的改装重点也表现在前轮拖曳弹射上,因此本文试图探讨一下国产战斗机改装成舰载机时前轮拖曳弹射起飞与前起落架之间的关系。 Ejection take-off in engineering is a “small generation” approach, it can fully overcome the weakness of the carrier-based aircraft itself weak enough to take off from the larger take-off weight off the ship, since the aircraft has been on the ship since It is the “best choice” for people to solve their short take-off. After the emergence of a slip-off take-off, once there was a point that the fighter’s land-based vessel was the easiest to take off and take off. However, the practice of Russia’s Su-33 shows that this view is not entirely correct. People have now realized that land-based warplanes on the ship or the use of catapults take off more to achieve the purpose of modification, only need to properly strengthen the fuselage and landing gear strength, mounted on the fuselage ejection force and the ship blocking the hook on it. Of course, this also depends on what kind of catapult connection, if it is drag catapult, the modification is very simple; but if you want to use the front wheel towing catapult, then the situation is different. Early shipborne watercraft was linked to the fuselage by a catapult pulley, and in the years before World War II and a few years after World War II, carrier-based aircraft had been using drag-and-drop catapults to launch from their aircraft carriers. The second-generation carrier-based aircraft on the ship, the front wheel towing catapult gradually replaced the tow catapult. The front-wheel towing ejection method is to set the catapult hook on the nose landing gear so that the nose landing gear of the carrier-based aircraft becomes “different” and becomes an important reason for the cost of the aircraft carrier to pay structural weight gain. Recently, when people discussed the future of China’s F-10 carrier, it was considered unsuitable for retrofitting into a catapult carrier. From the early jet on the ship practice, if the towed catapult, then the main changes on the ground-based aircraft ship is to strengthen the fuselage under the structure (which is not really difficult), but if the front-wheel catapult will be Caused by the re-design of the front fuselage structure and the configuration of the center of gravity, so the conversion of fighters land conversion ship’s difficulty is actually reflected through the improvement of the front landing gear out. Taking into account the F-10 and the new heavy multi-purpose fighter into a carrier-based fighter has great economic significance and military significance, and the characteristics of modern catapult technology and carrier-based aircraft adapted to take off the refueling focus is also reflected in the front wheel towing catapult Therefore, this article attempts to explore the relationship between the front-wheel towing catapult ejection and the nose landing gear when domestic fighter planes are converted into carrier-based aircraft.
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