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张杰同志生前是佳木斯市交通局审计员,助理会计师。她从事财务工作三十三年,在她工作过的单位担任会计工作期间,一惯敢于坚持原则,大公无私,一身正气,具有高度的为国家、集体把关理财的责任心,曾受到领导和同志们的高度赞扬。在“文革”期间,有一次某单位一次花两万多元为职工每人买件皮大衣,张杰发现后,硬是和当时的“掌权者”反复论战,终于以70%的自费扣了款,为国家减少了1.5万多元的不必要的开支。在“一平二调”的年月里,市里有一个单位,一次向包装社“暂借”11万元,张杰意识到:这实质是“平调”,不想办法追回来,对包装社将来很不利,她软磨硬要将钱如数追回。对违反财经纪律的事,不论是谁干的,张杰同志都敢管。有一回某领导批给一名职工借款2万元做买卖,张杰同志硬是顶着不办,最后那位领导只得不了了之。 Comrade Zhang Jie was born in Jiamusi City Department of Transportation auditors, assistant accountants. During her thirty-three years in financial work, she used to work hard at accounting principles during her work as a unit, and she always dared to uphold the principle, be selfless, upright and upright, with a high sense of responsibility for running state and collective affairs, having been led by leaders and comrades Highly praised. During the “Cultural Revolution” period, once an individual spent more than 20,000 yuan to buy a piece of leather coat for each worker, Zhang Jie found that he had repeatedly argued with the “rulers” at that time and finally deducted 70% For the country to reduce the more than 15,000 yuan of unnecessary expenses. In the “one level and two levels” in the years, the city has a unit, once to the packaging agency “temporary loan” 110,000 yuan, Zhang Jie realized: This is the essence of “flat tune”, do not want to recover, the packaging company will Very unfavorable, she was hard to recover the amount of money. For anyone who violates the financial discipline, no matter who does it, Comrade Zhang Jie has the courage to manage. Once a certain leadership granted a loan of 20,000 yuan to the staff and workers to do business, Comrade Zhang Jie insisted on doing nothing. In the end, the leader had no other choice.
目的 探讨后腹腔镜输尿管切开取石术治疗输尿管上段结石的临床疗效.方法对22例行后腹腔镜输尿管切开取石术患者进行回顾性分析.结果 22例患者结石全部顺利取出,手术时间90~18
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