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我从未吮吸过她的乳汁。甚至不知道称她奶奶还是妈妈,但她用岁月的汗水、泪水芬芳了我的少女梦想,终于有一天,我跪倒在这个骨瘦如柴、弯腰驼背的老人眼前,哭喊着:“奶娘……”“我从未吮吸过她的乳汁。甚至不知道称她奶奶还是妈妈,但她用岁月的汗水、泪水芬芳了我的少女梦想,终于有一天,我跪倒在这个骨瘦如柴、弯腰驼背的老人眼前,哭喊着:”‘奶娘’……“这是广西钦州市一中初一(2)班女生何小亭在题为《我的母亲》作文考试时写下的一段话。批改卷子的老师双眼潮湿,破例给她打了分直到这时,人们才 I have never sucked her milk. She did not even know her grandmother or mother, but she used the years of sweat, tears fragrant my dream girl, finally one day, I kneel in this skinny, hunched old man cried: ... I never suck her milk, do not even know her grandmother or mother, but she used the years of sweat, tears fragrant my dream girl, and finally one day I kneel down in this scrawny, curved Waist-up old man crying: ”’the damn’ ...... “ This is the first day of Qinzhou City, Guangxi (2) class girl He Xiaoting wrote a passage in the essay entitled ”My mother" test The teacher who changed the examination paper was wet in his eyes and gave an example to her until now
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