Influence of deformation on precipitation in AZ80 magnesium alloy

来源 :International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aqlgx123456
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Precipitates in the conventionally processed (solution treatment followed by aging) AZ80 alloy are coarse, cellular, and incoherent. They nucleate and grow on the basal planes of the matrix or distribute discontinuously in the alloy. Their unique morphology and undesired distribution make them ineffective for precipitation strengthening. This condition, however, can be modified by applying selected deforma-tion and heat treatment conditions. The effect of deformation and heat treatment on the morphology and distribution of precipitates has been studied. Deformation was introduced by hot extrusion, cold rolling, or equal channel angular pressing (ECAP). The microstructures were characterized using scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and X-ray diffraction. The results showed that cold de-formation improved precipitation more significantly than hot deformation, and twinning promoted precipitation more effectively than slip. When ECAP was applied, the Bc-route induced more precipitates than the A-route. Precipitates in the conventionally processed (solution treatment followed by aging) AZ80 alloy are coarse, cellular, and incoherent. They nucleate and grow on the basal planes of the matrix or distribute discontinuously in the alloy. Their unique morphology and undesired distribution make them ineffective for precipitation strengthening. This condition, however, can be modified by applying selected deforma-tion and heat treatment conditions. The effect of deformation and heat treatment on the morphology and distribution of precipitates has been studied. Deformation was introduced by hot extrusion, cold rolling, The microstructures were characterized using scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and X-ray diffraction. The results showed that cold de-formation improved precipitation more significantly than hot deformation, and twinning promoted precipitation more effectively than slip. When ECAP was applied, the Bc-route i nduced more precipitates than the A-route.
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