省会电视台的凤凰涅槃——专访合肥市广播电视台副台长 左军

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省会电视台是在夹缝中寻求生存的一个群体,它们没有放弃锐意改革,而是选择在艰难中前行。背景资料:2008年10月28日,由南京电视台牵头组织的7家省会城市电视台广告经营负责人在南京齐聚一堂,共话发展,并组建了广告经营联盟。这7家省会城市电视台分别为南京、杭州、成都、广州、武汉、西安和沈阳,其广告创收总量在我国城市电视台中均位居前列。为进一步探讨省会城市电视台面临的问题,拓展城市电视台的生存与发展空间,7家电视台一致同意组建广告经营联盟,并发表了联盟宣言:决定在广告经营合作中互利互惠、精诚合作,共同抵制虚假信息,联合谈判,互相代理本地广告品牌,对普遍认为信誉差、资信不好的客户进行联合抵制。这被认为是省会电视台一搏的开始。 The provincial capital television station is a group that seeks survival in the cracks. Instead of giving up their reform efforts, the provincial capital television station chose to go forward in difficult times. Background information: October 28, 2008, led by the Nanjing Television Station led seven provincial capital city television advertising executives gathered in Nanjing, a total of development, and the formation of the advertising business alliance. The seven provincial capitals television stations in Nanjing, Hangzhou, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Xi’an and Shenyang, the total amount of their advertising revenue in China’s city television are among the forefront. In order to further explore the problems faced by the capital city TV stations and expand the space for the survival and development of the city TV stations, the seven television stations unanimously agreed to form an advertising management alliance and issued a coalition declaration: They decided to cooperate with each other for mutual benefits and sincere cooperation to jointly resist falsehood Information, joint negotiations, mutual representation of local advertising brand, the credit is generally believed that poor credit unfriendly customers boycott. This is considered the beginning of a pacing for the provincial capital television station.
<正> 19世纪20年代,是第一次世界大战后,世界政治、经济调整、动荡的时期。科学技术仍在进步。1922年,英国成立了“英国广播公司”(BBC)。在远东,由于欧美工业的衰落,香港的经济反而呈现出了繁荣。在这个时期,一种新的传播工具——广播,在香港诞生了。