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平顶山矿务局地处中原、交通便利、煤种多、品质好、蕴藏量丰富,年产量居全国统配煤矿第二位,是一个大型现代化矿务局。但是建局33年来,一直没能开拓国际市场,不能不说是一件憾事。 随着改革开放搞活经济的春风,1987年局长梁尤平提出了“两年内实现平顶山煤炭打入国际市场,参加国际经济大循环,为国家创取外汇”的号召,并经局长办公会议决定于1987年2月成立了“平顶山矿务局煤炭出口办公室”,副局长常乃全主管煤炭出口工作,抽调了得力的领导干部担任室领导,配备有一定工作经验的专业人员组建了各职能科室。 煤炭出口办公室组建后,首先遇到的是煤炭出口是一项新课题,没有经验可以借鉴。为此,他们多次到其他出口单位了解情况,向外贸部门请教,查阅了大量的有关外贸专业资料和国家外贸工作的方针、政策和规定,不断地充实自己。在人员少、缺少交通工具的简陋条件下,他们上港口下现场,了解港口设备和生产厂矿的生产、洗选工艺,掌握了第一手资料。同时他们积极到北京、郑州、连云港等地的煤炭出口主管部门、铁路运输部门和港口,介绍该局的生产能力和煤质标准,扩大了平顶山煤的影响。经过一年零四个月的艰苦努力,终于和中国煤炭进出口总公司签订了洗精煤出口协议书。 Pingdingshan Mining Bureau is located in the Central Plains, convenient transportation and more coal, good quality, rich reserves, annual output ranks second in the country with coal mines, is a large modern mining bureau. However, it has been a pity that the URA has not been able to open up the international market for 33 years. With the spring breeze of invigorating the economy through reform and opening up, Secretary Liang Youping proposed in 1987 the call of “realizing the coal mining of Pingdingshan into the international market within two years, participating in the international economic cycle and creating foreign exchange for the country”, and was decided by the director’s office meeting in 1987 February set up the “Pingdingshan Mining Administration Coal Export Office,” Deputy Director Chang is all in charge of coal exports, well-adjusted leading cadres served as room leaders, equipped with a certain amount of work experience professionals set up various functional departments. After the establishment of the coal export office, the first one encountered is the export of coal is a new topic, there is no experience to learn from. To this end, they repeatedly learned from other exporters about the situation, consulted with the foreign trade department, consulted with a large number of guidelines, policies and regulations on foreign trade professional information and the state’s foreign trade work, and constantly enriched themselves. With less staff and lack of means of transportation, they learned the production and cleaning process of port equipment and production factories and mines and learned first-hand information on the site under the port. At the same time, they actively went to the coal export authorities, railway transport departments and ports in Beijing, Zhengzhou and Lianyungang to introduce the council’s production capacity and coal quality standards and expand the influence of the Pingdingshan coal. After a year and four months of hard work, finally and China National Coal Import and Export Corporation signed a clean coal export agreement.
本次调查应用大样本横断面研究方法,对同一遗传背景下的汉族人群的血管紧张素转换酶(ACE)基因和血管紧张素II 1型受体(AT1R)基因多态性的分布特征以及这两种基因多态性与原发性高
Using three wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L. ) , Een1, Huamai8 and 95A-10, which exhibit different grain filling characters. the relationship of ultrastru