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人参、鹿茸、燕窝、石斛、阿胶……过节期间,刘老太不断收到儿女和亲友们孝敬她的各种名贵药材和滋补品。这些东西每一盒都价格不菲,而春天不宜大补,不少药材可能要到来年秋冬才派得上用场。面对这些贵重药材,刘老太有点儿发愁,不知该如何保存。其实,药材的保存很有讲究。四大要素决定药材保质效果温度、湿度、光线和空气是决定药材保质效果的四大要素。药材,尤其是名贵药材,保质效果如何,会直接影响其原色原味以及药效。温度太高,达到一定的程度可加速药材内部的化学反应;湿度太高,则容易发生霉变;光线 Ginseng, velvet, bird’s nest, Dendrobium, donkey-hide gelatin ... ... During the holiday season, Liu Laotai constantly receive children and relatives and friends honor her various valuable herbs and supplements. Each of these boxes are expensive, and spring should not be overblown, many herbs may come in the coming fall and winter only come in handy. The face of these valuable medicinal herbs, Mrs. Liu a little worried, I do not know how to save. In fact, the preservation of herbs is very particular about. The four major factors determine the shelf life of medicinal herbs Temperature, humidity, light and air are the four major determinants of medicinal quality. Medicinal materials, especially expensive herbs, how the quality of the effect will directly affect its original color and efficacy. The temperature is too high, to a certain extent, can accelerate the chemical reaction within the medicinal material; humidity is too high, it is prone to mildew; light
The main objective of this paper was to characterize the voltammetric profiles of the Pt/C, Pt/C-ATO, Pd/C and Pd/C-ATO electrocatalysts and study their catalyt
介绍了三元层状Ti3AlC2陶瓷材料的制备技术、性能及应用。 The preparation technology, performance and application of ternary layered Ti3AlC2 ceramic material are i
速度和效果是聚类算法面临的两大问题.DBSCAN(density based spatial clustering of applications with noise)是典型的基于密度的一种聚类方法,对于大型数据库的聚类实验显