微山湖风景优美,物产丰富,尤以盛产莲藕、菱角闻名.菱角属一年水生草本植物,成熟的果实有坚硬的外壳,经加工去壳后称作菱米.菱米营养丰富,笔者用其制备平菇原种,较其他谷粒原种更具特色.现将其介绍如下:1 制法 选颗粒饱满、无霉变的菱米,用前曝晒1天.用清水淘去杂质,然后用水浸泡24小时,再置锅中用文人煮至熟而不烂,捞出沥水后,拌入适量麸皮、木屑.常规装瓶、灭菌.接入丝瓜瓤基质母种8天满瓶,接斜面母种10天满瓶.菌丝齐、白、旺.
Weishan Lake beautiful scenery, rich products, especially rich in lotus root, water chestnut famous .Large is a year of aquatic herbs, ripe fruit has a hard shell, after processing the shell is called Lingmi. The preparation of Pleurotus ostreatus, more than other grain varieties more distinctive.Will now introduce it as follows: 1 system selected particles full, mildew-free millet, with the former exposure for 1 day.Filter the impurities with water and then Soaked in water for 24 hours, and then set the pot with the literati until cooked, but not rotten, remove and drain, stir in the amount of bran, wood chips. Regular bottling, sterilization. Access Loofah 瓤 matrix mother 8 days full bottle, Then the mother of the beak 10 days full bottle, mycelium Qi, white, Wang.