
来源 :临床医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:momoww
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因血液冰冻后又加热溶化,大量红细胞破坏,蛋白变性后输入,致右侧独肾功能急性衰竭的病例临床罕见,本文报告1例并就治疗进行讨论。男性,46岁,全麻下行左肾切除术,误将放入冰箱冷冻层内已冻成冰块的血液热水溶化后给患者输入,输至100ml时,血压下降。右侧独肾急性功能衰竭,立即采取综合措施抢救.第九天尿量及各项生化指标正常。讨论:(1)输血知识不足:血液存放最佳温度为4 Due to the freezing of blood after heating and melting, a large number of red blood cell damage, protein denaturation input, resulting in the right side of renal failure cases of renal failure is rare, the paper reported 1 case and discussed the treatment. Male, 46 years old, underwent a left nephrectomy under general anesthesia, mistakenly put into the frozen layer of the refrigerator has been frozen into ice water after the hot melt into the patient input, lose to 100ml, the blood pressure drops. The right kidney alone acute failure, immediately take comprehensive measures to save the ninth day urine output and biochemical indicators of normal. Discussion: (1) lack of knowledge of blood transfusion: the best blood storage temperature of 4
The rare deposition of water resources conflicts with its limitless demand.This determined the existence of the water fights transaction system.The implementati
3月1日下午,丰田汽车总裁丰田章男在北京举行说明会,向中国消费者鞠躬道歉。从丰田章男的话里我们可以仔细分析,丰田在遭遇了“召回门”之后所做出的反思和 On the afternoo
在通往古巴重要名胜风景区的公路上,产于中国浙江吉利汽车的1200台旅游用车正在飞驰。鉴于去年进口的这批汽车良好的公路与安全表现,古巴旅游部部长Manuel Marrero Cruz已决定同意下属公司向这家中国公司再进口500台自动挡汽车。  李书福知道让古巴所有的旅游地实现“满城尽是吉利车”并不遥远。因为最新向古巴出口的500台汽车中,按照C-NCAP五星最高安全标准设计的吉利“帝豪”,已经扛起了
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