Surveys in Areas of High Risk of Iodine Deficiency and Iodine Excess in China, 2012-2014: Current St

来源 :Biomedical and Environmental Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:meyxiao
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Objective We aimed to evaluate goiter prevalence and iodine nutritional status in areas with high levels of water iodine;to monitor the prevalence of iodine deficiency disorders(IDD)in areas at high risk of IDD;and to compare the prevalence of goiter and urine iodine(UI)concentrations between children living in the two areas.Methods Based on surveillance from 2012-2014,we analyzed the concentration of UI and prevalence of goiter in 8-10-year-old children from 12 high-risk IDD provinces,and from 8 provinces and municipalities with excessive water iodine.We calculated goiter prevalence for each UI level according to World Health Organization(WHO)standards and constructed predictive prevalence curves.Results The goiter prevalence and median UI of children from areas with high water iodine were not optimal,being above the WHO standards(5%and 100-199μg/L,respectively),whereas those in high-risk areas fell within the standard.UI and goiter prevalence exhibited a U-shaped relationship in high-risk endemic areas and a parabolic relationship in areas of iodine excess.Conclusion Iodine surplus in high-iodine areas leads to high goiter prevalence and UI.However,in high-risk areas,UI was optimal and goiter prevalence met the national criteria for IDD elimination. Objective We aimed to evaluate goiter prevalence and iodine nutritional status in areas with high levels of water iodine; to monitor the prevalence of iodine deficiency disorders (IDD) in areas at high risk of IDD; and to compare the prevalence of goiter and urine iodine ( UI) concentrations between children living in the two areas. Methods Based on surveillance from 2012-2014, we analyzed the concentration of UI and prevalence of goiter in 8-10-year-old children from 12 high-risk IDD provinces, and from 8 provinces and municipalities with excessive water iodine. We calculated goiter prevalence for each UI level according to World Health Organization (WHO) standards and constructed predictive prevalence curves. Results The goiter prevalence and median UI of children from areas with high water iodine were not optimal, being above the WHO standards (5% and 100-199 μg / L, respectively), those those high-risk areas fell within the standard. UI and goiter prevalence exhibited a U-shaped relationship in hig h-risk endemic areas and a parabolic relationship in areas of iodine excess. Confound Iodine surplus in high-iodine areas leads to high goiter prevalence and UI. Despite, in high-risk areas, UI was optimal and goiter prevalence met the national criteria for IDD elimination.
摘 要:公共艺术教育是高校素质教育的重要组成部分,在人才素质培养中发挥着不可替代的作用,是培养学生综合素质,提高学生审美和人文素养的重要方法。目前高校公共艺术教育的现状并不乐观,虽然公共艺术教育已经进入高校课堂,受到学生的喜爱,但没有得到足够的重视,还处于相对薄弱的状态。为了改变公共艺术教育的状况,高校应该进行一定的教育改革,把公共艺术教育纳入高等教育体系,发挥公共艺术教育的作用。  关键词:通识
今天老师提出一个问题:  现有甲、乙两枚大小相同的硬币,先将硬币甲固定在桌面上,让硬币乙沿着硬币甲的边缘无滑动滚动一周回到原来的位置,那么滚动的硬币乙自转了多少圈?  课堂顿时活跃起来,同学们各抒己见. 快嘴张说:“这个很简单,两圆的周长相等,硬币乙转一圈.”组里其他同学也跟着附和:“对,就是一圈.”组长说:“依我看,题目不会这么简单,我们做个实验看看吧!”组长从口袋里找出两枚一元的硬币,做起了实
摘 要:文章首先分析了应用型人才培养背景下立体剪裁课程教学内容设计,包括合理设置课程内容、整合模块设置等,随后介绍了立体剪裁课程创新教学方法的具体措施,包括培养学生实践技能、培养学生创新思维、创建培养学生职业素养的实践平台等,希望能给相关人士提供一些有效参考。  关键词:应用型人才;立体剪裁;内容选材  立体剪裁在服装设计领域属于一种独特的造型手法,同时也是培养服装设计人才的核心内容。立体剪裁具有