振兴钨业的新起点 发展钨业的里程碑——全国钨业科技工作会议在江西省西华山召开

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十一月十日至十六日国家科委、冶金工业部和国家有色金属工业管理总局在江西西华山钨矿联合召开了“全国钨业科技工作会议”,国务院付总理、国家科委主任方毅同志出席了会议。国务院有关部、委,省的领导同志叶志强、付雨田、杨浚、周正等也参加了会议。参加这次会议的代表有老一辈专家、学者、有一批中青年科技骨干,还有各有关钨的生产企业、研究、设计、地质勘探、高等院校和各主管部门的代表200余名,列席代表50余名。 我国有色金属资源丰富,有充分的条件发展成为我国优势产业。钨则是有色金属优势中的优势。我国钨的工业储量、钨精矿产量和钨精矿出口量均长期保持着世界第一。但是,长数以来,我国钨业存在不少妨碍钨资源优势发挥的问题,主要是一部分已开采的钨矿,资源日益减少,生产接替不上;二是我国钨的出口产品结构不合理,钨的半制品只占钨总出口值的2%;三是产品质量差,品种少,适应不了国际市场的需要,缺乏竞争能力;四是部门间的协调不够,产销脱节,工贸脱节,浪费严重。 From November 10 to November 16, the State Science and Technology Commission, the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry and the State Nonferrous Metals Industry Administration jointly held the “National Tungsten Industry Scientific and Technological Work Conference” in Jiangxi Xihuashan Tungsten Mine. The State Council paid Prime Minister, Director of the State Science and Technology Commission Yi Comrade attended the meeting. Ye Zhijiang, Fu Yutian, Yang Jun and Zhou Zheng, leaders of relevant ministries, commissions and provinces under the State Council, also attended the meeting. Representatives from the older generation include experts and scholars from the older generation with a group of young and middle-aged scientific and technological backbone as well as over 200 representatives from relevant tungsten production enterprises, research, design, geological exploration, institutions of higher learning and competent departments, More than 50 representatives attended the meeting. China’s non-ferrous metals are rich in resources and have sufficient conditions for the development of China’s advantageous industries. Tungsten is the advantage of non-ferrous metals advantages. China’s tungsten industrial reserves, tungsten concentrate production and tungsten concentrate exports have long maintained the highest in the world. However, a long time ago, there are many problems in China’s tungsten industry that hindered the utilization of tungsten resources. Some of the tungsten mines that have been mined have been depleted in resources and their production can not be replaced. Second, the structure of China’s tungsten export products is irrational. Tungsten Of the total output of tungsten accounted for only 2% of the total export value; Third, product quality is poor, less variety, can not adapt to the needs of the international market, the lack of competitiveness; Fourth, lack of coordination between departments, production and marketing out of touch, industry and trade out of touch, serious waste .
一、国内电炉专业标准基本概况 1.电炉标准概况: 电炉专业于63年初形成,经历了从无到有,从仿制到自行设计的过程。电炉产品技术基础薄弱,过去基本上是仿制苏联四十年代的产
卡达姆斋锑联合企业的产品广泛用于许多工业部门。从含Sb 30~60%的硫化物一氧化物料中制取金属锑是用两种工艺流程:火法(用铁屑、煤和熔剂还原一沉淀熔炼)和湿法(硫化物一碱
值此上海有色金属研究所建所二十周年之际,谨以此文聊对二十年应用科研工作作一简单回顾,并就上海有色金属工业发展前景试作一点评述。…… On the occasion of the twenti
(一九八O年)页s3期页文章题目.‘7血肠l..二丹‘,曰杭州钢铁厂磁铁矿竖炉球团的生产进展我国现行烧结矿转鼓试验存在的问题及几 点建议测定抗压强度的新装置—球团矿电子测
1978年4月辽宁省金属学会恢复了组织活动。目前已拥有会员4859名,并成立了鞍山、沈阳、本溪、大连、营口、锦州等七个市金属学会。 1979年3月召开了辽宁省金属学会第三届会