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“假说”在探究教学中被表述为“猜想和假设”.是指在观察和实验的基础上,根据科学原理和科学事实进行理性思维加工以后,对未知的自然现象及其规律所作的假定性解释和说明,表现为:一是根据已有知识和经验对问题或现象的成因进行猜想;二是对探究的方向或现象的结果进行推测与假设.探究教学中的“假说”有何意义和价值?学生科学地提出“假说”受哪些因素影响?如何实现“假说”的优化教学?本文结合笔者的思考和实践,谈谈这几方面问题,希望对科学探究的理论和实践体系起一定的推动作用.一、“假说”的教育意义和价值1.“假说”在探究教学活动中起着引领作用探究教学活动中,在学生建立假说后的教学环节是制定探究计划、设计和实施实验方案,通过观察和测量收集实验现象和数据,然后分析、处理实验信息, “Hypothesis ” is expressed as “conjecture and hypothesis ” in inquiry teaching, which refers to the analysis of the unknown natural phenomenon and its rule on the basis of observation and experiment, after rational thinking processing according to scientific principle and scientific fact The tentative explanations and explanations are as follows: one is to guess the cause of the problem or phenomenon according to the existing knowledge and experience; the other is to make the speculation and hypothesis on the direction of the inquiry or the result of the phenomenon. What is the significance and value of the students? How can the students scientifically put forward the factors that affect the hypotheses? How to realize the optimal teaching of the hypotheses? In the light of the author’s thinking and practice, The theoretical and practical system of scientific inquiry play a certain role in promoting.Part 1, “Hypothesis” of the educational significance and value of 1. “Hypothesis ” in the inquiry teaching activities play a leading role in the inquiry teaching activities, the students to establish the hypothesis After the teaching part is to develop plans to explore, design and implementation of experimental programs, through the observation and measurement to collect experimental phenomena and data, and then analyze and deal with experimental information,
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