,Intracellular NHX-Type Cation/H+ Antiporters in Plants

来源 :分子植物(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:DreamerL
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Cells depend on the homeostatic maintenance of pH within specific cellular compartments to ensure optimal conditions for metabolic and enzymatic processes as well as protein structure and function.In the animal secretory pathway,cells maintain distinct luminal pHs within various compartments (Paroutis et al.,2004).Among the many molecular players that contribute to pH and ion homeostasis in plants,Na+(K+)/H+ exchangers (also known as NHX-type cation/H+ antiporters) appear to be particularly important for the regulation of a wide variety of physiological processes,including cell expansion,cell volume regulation,osmotic adjustment,pH regulation,membrane trafficking,protein processing,and cellular stress responses (Pardo et al.,2006;Rodriguez-Rosales et al.,2009;Bassil et al.,2012).
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操作系统扫盲──各平台数据交换为什么会有难度  由于手机操作系统Android、iPhone和WP8系统核心和文件系统都不同,使用的文件系统互相并不兼容,所以默认情况下不同平台之间的设备是无法实现数据直接交换的,比如将Android手机直接连接到Windows电脑上后,Windows无法识别Android手机,自然无法实现电脑和手机之间的数据交换(表1)。  解决不同平台的数据交换障碍方法主要有两
Plants may not have a complex circulatory immune system like that of animals,but they do have a fairly sophisticated transport system that enables cell-to-cell
The microbiome refers to the collective genomes of all resident microorganisms of a particular organism,environment,or ecosystem.Plant surfaces and interior par
发表在JAMA Internal Medicine上的一则报道称:无论男性还是女性,当其伴侣作出一些戒烟、运动等健康生活行为改变时,他们也更倾向于做出类似积极的改变。