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2012年,党的十八大将在北京召开,同时也是实施“十二五”规划承上启下的重要一年,为首都的发展稳定营造安全有序的法治环境是首都政法机关面临的一个重大课题。检察机关依法行使法律赋予的打击、预防、监督、教育、保护职责,服务首都率先形成创新驱动的发展格局、率先形成城乡经济社会发展一体化新格局的责任更加重大,服务科技创新、文化创新“双轮驱动”、保障首都社会主义先进文化之都建设的标准更高,参与加强和创新首都社会管理的任务更加繁重。面对新形势新任务新要求,首都检察机关将认真贯彻落实全国政法工作会议、全国检察长会议、市委十届十次全会精神,以高度的使命感、责任感和紧迫感,紧紧围绕确保党的十八大顺利召开,积极服务“十二 In 2012, the 18th CPC National Congress will be held in Beijing and an important year for the implementation of the ”12th Five-year Plan“, so as to create a safe and orderly environment for the rule of law in the development and stability of the capital. This is a major issue for the capital’s political and legal organs Question. The procuratorial organs shall, according to law, exercise the duties of cracking down, preventing, supervising, educating and protecting those entrusted by law and serve the capital in taking the lead in forming an innovation-driven development pattern. It is even more important to take the lead in forming a new pattern of integrated urban and rural economic and social development with greater responsibility for scientific and technological innovation and cultural innovation. ”Two-wheel drive“ guarantees higher standards for building a capital of advanced culture in the socialist capital and more arduous tasks of participating in strengthening and innovating the social management of the capital. Faced with the new requirements and new tasks and new requirements, the procuratorial organs of the capital will earnestly implement the national conference on political affairs, the national procurator’s meeting, the spirit of the 10th Plenary Session of the 10th CPC Central Committee, with a high sense of mission, sense of responsibility and urgency, Eighteen held successfully, and actively serve ”Twelve