Fault-Tolerant Design and Testing of USB2.0 Peripheral Devices IP Core System

来源 :Tsinghua Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leihaibo880125
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Universal serial bus 2.0 (USB2.0) is a kind of mainstream interface technology. The traditional USB developing is only to develop USB peripheral devices. For the USB2.0 peripheral devices IP core system that has wide application foreground, some interference inevitably exists in signal transmitting. Some fault-tolerant design and test methods must be adopted in order to correctly transmit and receive data. Combining with a project, this paper introduces in detail about measures, hardware implement, and test methods of fault-tolerant design about USB2.0 peripheral devices IP core system. Fault-tolerant design measures, noise reduction measures of signal processing, fault-tolerant methods about data encode and decode, package identification (ID) field fault-tolerant methods, and cyclic redundancy checks fault-tolerant methods are discussed. The paper also presents some hardware implement methods about fault-tolerant design of data decode and test methods about fault-tolerant design of USB2.0 IP core system. These methods can offer the reference for development of USB2.0 system in all kinds of electronics instrumentations. The traditional USB developing is only to develop USB peripheral devices. For the USB2.0 peripheral devices IP core system that has wide application foreground, some interference inevitably exists in Some fault-tolerant design and test methods must be adopted in order to correctly transmit and receive data. Combining with a project, this paper introduces in detail about measures, hardware implement, and test methods of fault-tolerant design about USB2. Fault-tolerant design measures, noise reduction measures of signal processing, fault-tolerant methods about data encode and decode, package identification (ID) field fault-tolerant methods, and cyclic redundancy checks fault-tolerant methods are discussed. The paper also presents some hardware implement methods about fault-tolerant design of data decode and test methods about fault-tolerant design of US B2.0 IP core system. These methods can offer the reference for development of USB2.0 system in all kinds of electronics instrumentations.
正午时分,一艘漂浮在南极冰洋上的小船里。  我——保罗,一个有着因纽特人血统,并深深引以为傲的野生动物摄影师,正手捧摄影机,身穿潜水服,脚踩大蛙鞋,哆哆嗦嗦地站在船舷边。  “我数3下你就跳!”我的摄影搭档——裹着大棉袄的乔在我身后喊道,“3.2……”  扑通一  还没听到最后那个“1”字,我就被乔这个可恶的家伙一脚踹下了海。  哦,先别去管被踹人海中的我了,让我们回到几个星期前,我那间位于英国牛
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