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汽车,可以让我们的脚步加快,与飞速运转的城市生活和谐共舞;可以让我们在赖以生存的空间里自由往来、游刃有余,更可以满足我们胸中膨胀的物欲,展现一种高傲的尊贵。生活在这个年代里,人们似乎没有理由不需要车,也没有理由不喜欢车。向往自由的人喜欢车,那种任意驰骋的感觉让他们心境开阔;张扬个性的人喜欢车,仿佛对某一个品牌、某一款车型情有独钟,就是自我个性的完美体现;追求权力和物欲的人更是以拥有名车为荣,驾御和操纵的感觉总能让他们快乐无比。就算我们没有欲望也没有个性,生活节奏的加快,也让我们总想用四个轮子代替双腿去追赶生活的脚步。在某种程度上,汽车已经和现代人融为一体了。据统计,目前我国私车保有量已达1000万辆。私车多了,人们对车的感悟也多了,它虽然方便了人们出行,同时也给生活、交通带来很多困扰。说到汽车,人们总是发出这样的感慨——爱你十分痛七分。 The car can speed up our pace and dance harmoniously with the urban life in a fast-moving city. It allows us to freely move in and out of our living space to meet the bloated materialistic desire in our hearts and to show a sense of dignity and honor. Living in this era, people seem to have no reason to not need a car, there is no reason not to like the car. Those who yearn for freedom like cars, and the feeling of free riding gives them an open mind. People who express individuality like cars. It seems as if they have a soft spot for a certain brand and a certain model, which is the perfect manifestation of self-personality. The pursuit of power and Materialism is more proud of having a famous car, driving and manipulating feelings always make them happy. Even if we do not have the desire nor the personality, the accelerated pace of life makes us always want to use four wheels instead of our legs to catch up with the pace of life. To some extent, cars have become integrated with modern people. According to statistics, at present, China’s private car ownership has reached 10 million. More private cars, people have more insights into the car, although it is convenient for people to travel, but also to life, traffic has caused a lot of trouble. Speaking of cars, people always send such a feeling - love you very painful seven minutes.
国庆之前我得回到我的故乡。  9月28日离开北京之前特意去看的最后一个展览是提诺·赛格尔在UCCA的展览。  买票进门,问了下工作人员提诺展览的位置就直奔主题。进门右转去展厅,走廊尽头是一扇关着的玻璃门,里边是一个空旷的空间,不见一个人影,当时我就怀疑那个工作人员是不是新来的,把我引向了另一个正在布展的展厅。转而走向另一侧的门,到了一个漆黑一片的空间。听上去这黑暗的空间中有好多人在做着有规律的类似
  OBJECTIVE To study histamines effect on long term injuryafter cerebral ischemia, including on glial scar forma tion.METHODS After 90 min of transient middle