目的 :了解社区晚期癌症患者家属面对亲人离世的心理状态。方法 :采用立意取样选取26例接受着或接受过社区临终关怀的晚期癌症患者家属(18例患者已离世),进行3次小组式访谈,了解家属在面对亲人患重病即将离世前的思考、行为及感受,用质性研究的现象学分析法收集整理资料、分析提炼主题。结果 :主题一,家属对亲人的离世有客观认识,但多数不能坦然面对,只有少数能保持情绪稳定;主题二,家属回避与患者谈论死亡相关话题,患者对死亡存在不同程度的恐惧与逃避,有宗教信仰者除外。结论 :家属现有的死亡观念不符合“优逝”理念,但可通过“优逝”教育逐步改变;而通过满足心理需求,给予心理支持为切入点,在日常关怀工作中慢慢递进的“优逝”教育方法针对性强,效果较好,有一定的社区医疗实践指导意义。
Objectives: To understand the psychological status of family members of patients with advanced cancer in the face of their loved ones passed away. Methods: Twenty-six family members of advanced cancer patients who had received or had received community-based hospice care (18 patients had died) were selected by deliberate sampling. Three group interviews were conducted to find out about their family members’ thinking before their death in the face of their loved ones seriously ill. Behavior and feelings, with the qualitative analysis of phenomenological analysis method to collect data, analyze the subject of extraction. Results: Theme 1, family members have an objective understanding of their relatives’ death, but most can not face it calmly. Only a few of them can maintain emotional stability. Topic 2: Family members avoid discussing topics related to death with patients. Patients have varying degrees of fear and evasion of death , Except for those with religious beliefs. Conclusion: The existing concept of death of the family member does not conform to the idea of “good death”, but can be gradually changed through the education of “good life”. However, by satisfying the psychological needs and giving psychological support as the starting point, Slow progressive “Good Pass ” education method is targeted, the effect is better, there is a certain community medical practice guiding significance.