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长江流域经济历来在我国经济发展中占有十分重要的地位。早在80年代中期,在《全国国土规划纲要》中就将长江沿江地区与沿海地区共同形成的“T”型主轴线作为我国经济建设的主轴线。进入90年代,中央又明确提出“以上海浦东开发开放为龙头,进一步开放长江沿岸城市,促进长江三角洲和整个长江流域经济的新飞跃,进而带动全国的经济发展”。若干年来,有关长江流域经济发展战略的研讨已成为政府部门和学术界广泛关注的热点,发表了大量的论文和著作。在诸多论著中,由刘盛佳教授主编的《长江流域经济发展和上、中、下游比较研究》是一部不可多得的流域经济科学佳作。它有以下特色:首先,作者对长江流域经济的阐述相当全面和系统,同时又突出了重点。如在综述长江流域概貌的基础上,重点介绍了四川和两湖盆地及长江三角洲,对全流域的人口、资源、投资环境进行全面分析的基础上,有重点地对经济发展的时空大背景及沿江的主要发展战略进行了分析、论述,在对流域经济特征进行总体把握的基础上,专章对长江经济带问题进行了阐述等。第二,作者十分注意理论分析与实际应用的结合,全书体现了区域可持续发展的理论思想。同时在第三章对长江流域经济发展特征的分析,运用系统论观点,特别是作者运用产业? The economy of the Yangtze River Basin has always occupied a very important position in the economic development of our country. As early as the mid-1980s, the “T” -type main axis formed along the Yangtze River and in the coastal areas was taken as the main axis of China’s economic construction in the Outline of National Land Planning. In the 1990s, the Central Government also explicitly proposed that “taking Shanghai’s development and opening up in Pudong as a leader, further opening up the cities along the Yangtze River, promoting a new leap forward in the economic development in the Yangtze River Delta and the entire Yangtze River Basin, and further boosting the economic development of the entire country.” In recent years, the study on the economic development strategy of the Yangtze River Basin has become a hot topic of widespread concern by government departments and academics, and has published numerous papers and books. In many treatises, “Economic Development in the Yangtze River Basin and Comparative Study of the Upper, Middle and Lower Reaches” edited by Professor Liu Shengjia is a rare economic science masterpiece in the basin. It has the following characteristics: First, the author elaborates on the economics of the Yangtze River valley quite comprehensively and systematically, and at the same time highlights the key points. Based on an overview of the Yangtze River basin overview, the paper mainly introduces Sichuan and the two lakes and the Yangtze River Delta. Based on a comprehensive analysis of the population, resources and investment environment in the whole basin, it mainly focuses on the time and space background of economic development and along the Yangtze River The main development strategy is analyzed and discussed. Based on the overall grasp of the economic characteristics of the basin, the special chapter elaborates on the issues of the Yangtze River economic belt. Second, the author pays close attention to the combination of theoretical analysis and practical application, and the book embodies the theory of regional sustainable development. At the same time, Chapter Three analyzes the characteristics of economic development in the Yangtze River Basin, using the theory of system theory, especially the author using the industry?
张勤,是湖北省钟祥市罗集镇畜牧兽医站职工,现年52岁,1968年毕业于湖北省红卫畜牧兽医学校,一直在乡镇工作近30年,由一名技术员逐渐成长为助 Zhang Qin, a worker at the A
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三月的北京,阳光和煦,春意盎然。 全国人民都关注着这里——首都正举行九届全国政协一次会议和九届全国人大一次会议,这是承前启后,继往开来,迈向新世纪的“两会”。“两会
说起爱表现,人们总免不了要联想到“毛笋尖尖往上拱,想出风头”。攀钢机制公司二金工车间却有一个爱表现,敢表现,也善于表现的蒲运军。 一九九二年,蒲运军子承父业当了一名