
来源 :吉林医学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:magic1213cam
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1临床资料患者闫某某,男,70岁,住院号358963。双眼患慢性闭角型青光眼14年,长期应用2%毛果云香碱眼液,为行左眼抗青光眼术入院。既往患冠心病1年。全身检查:身压20/14Kpa,心率80次/分,心肺听诊正常,心电图不正常:窦性心律、电轴不偏,轻度 ST-T 波改变。眼科检查:视力右1.0,左1.0,双眼压右5.5/4=2.74Kpa,左7.5/4=4.05Kpa,双角膜清,前房清,PACD=1/4CT,双瞳孔圆,直径2毫米,对光反应 1 clinical data Yan Moumou, male, 70 years old, hospital number 358963. Eyes with chronic angle-closure glaucoma for 14 years, 2% long-term use of fructus-hair follicles, glaucoma left eye for admission. Previously suffering from coronary heart disease 1 year. Whole body examination: body pressure 20 / 14Kpa, heart rate 80 beats / min, cardiopulmonary auscultation normal, abnormal ECG: sinus rhythm, electric axis is not partial, mild ST-T wave changes. Eye examination: right eye 1.0, left 1.0, right eye pressure 5.5 / 4 = 2.74Kpa, left 7.5 / 4 = 4.05Kpa, double corneal clear, clear anterior chamber, PACD = 1 / 4CT, double pupil circle, diameter 2 mm, Light reaction
The catalytic performance of Ni catalysts supported by CeO2-ZrO2 and α-Al2O3 was investigated for methane partial oxidation. Catalysts were measured by XRD. Ca
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After the treatment of oxygen gas, the small molecules containing amine group could emit fluorescence. Oxidation was believed to play an important role in the f