我局系统下属二十三个工厂和一个供销公司,1977年以来,坚持月月审核会计报表,月月记分公布,七年从未间断,有效地提高了财会报表质量和财务管理工作水平。我们主要做了以下工作: (一)提高对会计报表审核工作重要性的认识。根据局党委提出的开展会计报表审核工作的要求,开始有的同志觉得这项工作经验少,麻烦多,问题不好解决,容易得罪人,因而工作缺乏主动性。针对这一情况,领导上组织我们学习了有关加强企业管理方面的知识,研究讨论了会计报表的作用和存在的问题以及加强审核的重要性和必要性,从而提高了认识,增强了主动性,决心把报表审核这项本职工作认真抓紧抓好。 (二)民主讨论,制定审核评比内容。我局所属企业有全民,有集体,行业多,情况比较复杂,
Our bureau has 23 factories and a supply and marketing company. Since 1977, we insist on auditing the monthly and monthly accounting statements, and publishing the monthly and monthly scores. Our office has never stopped in seven years and effectively improved the financial report quality and the level of financial management. We mainly do the following work: (A) to raise awareness of the importance of audit of accounting reports. According to the request made by the party committee for conducting the audit of accounting statements, some commenters began to feel that this work experience is less and more troublesome, the problems are not solved well and people are easily offended. Therefore, the work lacks initiative. In response to this situation, the leadership organization, we learned about the strengthening of business management, the study discussed the role of accounting statements and the existing problems and strengthen the importance and necessity of the audit, thereby raising awareness and enhance the initiative, Determined to report the audit of this own job seriously do a good job. (B) democratic discussions, the development of review and appraisal content. Our bureau belongs to all the people, there are collective, many industries, the situation is more complicated,