Experimental study on flow pattern of cylinder turbulent wake in a shallow-water layer

来源 :Progress in Natural Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:love283805004
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A series of experiments were conducted to investigate the wakes of circular cylinder in shallow-water flow. Using DPIV (digital particle imaging velocimetry) system, the detailed measurement of turbulent wake around a cylinder with diameter of 1.27 m was made under the condition of many different characteristic coefficients S. The streamline figures of wake flow have been given. The measured results show that the characteristic coefficient S is the unique factor deciding the flow pattern around a cylinder in shallow water layer and the value 0.45 is the critical value of transition from vortex street to steady recirculating flow. At the same time, the mechanism of cylinder turbulent wakes in a shallow water layer is given. A series of experiments were conducted to investigate the wakes of circular cylinder in shallow-water flow. Using DPIV (digital particle imaging velocimetry) system, the detailed measurement of turbulent wake around a cylinder with diameter of 1.27 m was made under the condition of many different characteristic coefficients S. The streamline figures of wake flow have been given. The measured results show that the characteristic coefficient S is the unique factor deciding the flow pattern around a cylinder in shallow water layer and the value 0.45 is the critical value of transition from vortex street to steady recirculating flow. At the same time, the mechanism of cylinder turbulent wakes in a shallow water layer is given.
超快透射电子显微镜(Ultrafast Transmission Electron Microscopy,UTEM)是一种能够以纳米尺度空间分辨研究超快动力学过程的前沿技术。在哥廷根大学最新的研究进展里,建造了
1 引言 我国是一个水资源比较丰富的国家,总量居世界第6位,但人均与亩均水资源拥有量却十分贫乏,属于世界上13个贫水国家之一。为了满足工农业生产、人民生活、排涝抗旱的需
本来朱丽兰部长要参加今天的会 ,因为临时有重要的工作安排 ,所以委托我来参加。我非常高兴能参加全国名词委第四届委员会全体会议 ,同与会的专家学者们共同商讨我国的科技名
本刊讯 国家科技部、教育部、中国科学院、中国工程院、中国科协近日联合发布《关于科技工作者行为准则的若干意见》。据悉,该《意见》对科研工作者实事求是的科研态度提出
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由《乌盟教育报》承办的马明奎作品讨论会于 2000年 6月 17日在集宁召开。出席这次研讨会的共40多人。内蒙古大学、内蒙师大、内蒙社科院的部分专家教授到会并发言,就马明奎新近出版的
据最近一次调查显示 ,大量美国以及其他工业国家的从业医生认为 ,在过去的五年中 ,他们能够提供给病人的医疗质量有所下降。接受调查的美国医生认为他们缺乏足够的护士 ,而其他工业国家的医生则抱怨资源匮乏 ,包括病床和治疗仪器的短缺。尽管多数医生对其本国的医疗体系和他们自己的医术还算满意 ,但是将近六分之一的美国医生和多于四分之一的澳大利亚、新西兰和英国医生觉得五年前他们的医疗质量比现在要好。他们还认为 ,如果医院能有更高效的报告体系、处方电脑化和电子医疗纪录 ,那么在防止误诊方面还能做得更好。令人欣慰的是 ,