俄国的维·格·别林斯基不但是一位伟大的文艺批评家,而且对文学翻译理论亦有过精辟的论述。他在青年时代即已从事文学翻译工作。他经常为杂志《望远镜》和《街谈巷议》译稿,计有保罗·杰·科克的《玛格达林娜》、查理·诺迪耶的《女人的教育》、扎罗·扎涅夫的《一个少女的空中楼阁》以及小仲马的《旅行印象》部分章节等。 1834年以后,别林斯基本人不再从事翻译工作,但作为一位批评家,他无时不在关心着俄国翻译文学的发展,每年在综述俄国文学的概况时,都非常重视翻译文学。别林斯基写了几十篇文章和百余篇评论研究文学翻译问题,分析某些译作。此外,在他的信件
Vigger Belinsky in Russia is not only a great critic of literature and art, but also has a brilliant exposition on the theory of literary translation. He was a literary translator in his youth. He is often the author of “Telescope” and “Street Talk” in the magazine, including “Magdalenina” by Paul Jay Cork, “Woman’s Education” by Charlie Nodeeye, A maiden’s castle in the sky “and the” travel impressions "section of Minzai. After 1834, Belinsky himself no longer engaged in translation work, but as a critic, he is always concerned about the development of Russian translation literature, each year in the overview of Russian literature, attaches great importance to the translation of literature. Belinsky wrote dozens of articles and a hundred comments on the study of literary translation issues and analyzed some of the translations. In addition, in his letter