English-Chinese Translation of the Implied Negative

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  【Abstract】 The thesis analyzes English-Chinese translation of the Implied Negative with many examples, and through which the importance of English and Chinese language habits are broadly apparent.
  【Key words】 Implied Negative; English-Chinese;Translation; Language habits
  【中图分类号】G623.31 【文献标识码】B【文章编号】1001-4128(2011)03-0053-01
  In English-Chinese translation, we can see some language phenomena, which are truly positive formally but negative in structures. We called them “Implied Negative”. Knowing the true meaning of English is the most important for English learning, but how could we have the true meanings by changing Implied Negative into Chinese? What are they? What are the differences between their English form and true meanings? Based on the English and Chinese language habits, the thesis will tell all of these.
  1. Subjunctive mood. The Conditional Clause is led just with “if” sometimes, as a matter of fact, which means Negative in English, so we must make the translation be true to the original. For examples: If ever I seen the tree.我从来没有看到过这种树。/ He pretends to sleep, if he didn’t know his coming.他装作睡觉,似乎不知道他来了。(实际上他知道他来了)/ If I were a bird.我要是一只小鸟该多好啊。(实际上我不是)
  The examples above are positive in forms, but they show the negative of reality. In addition, “if” and “only” used in one sentence is telling “wish”, if it shows the regret of something happened or finished, it also tells the negative meaning. For example: If only she would come! 要是她能来就好了!(事实上他没有来)
  2. Context and intonation. The meaning of interrogative sentence is reverse to its meaning in form, that is, there is negative meaning implied in the positive. So, we must pay attention to the context and intonation in English-Chinese translation, expressing the negative meaning of English. For examples: What is the point of it? 重点是什么?(没有重点) /Who knows?谁知道呢?(没人知道) /Is she deaf ?難道她是聋子吗?(他根本不聋)
  3. Comparative degree. “-er + than-…” and “more + origin + than…” tell the meaning of “not as good as…” “would rather than…”. For examples: He is braver than wise.他有勇无谋。/ He is more dead than alive.与其说他活着,不如说他死了。/ I’d better stay here than go with you.跟你去我还不如呆在这里呢。
  4. “more + than… can…” We can’t translate it into Chinese literally, although the structure after “more than” is positive, the true meaning is “can’t reach to…” “impossible” in Chinese. For examples: This is more than I can tolerate. 这是我无法忍受的。/ Bite off more than one can chew.贪多咽不下。Sometimes, single “more” can also show negative. For example: I gave you credit for being more sensible.我没想到你竟这样蠢。
  5. “the last… + Object Clause”. This means “the most impossible”, “the most unsuitable”. It is a superlative degree positive but actually negative. For examples: He would be the last man she likes.她决不会喜欢他这种人。/ He is the last person to suspect他是最不应该受怀疑的人。 / This is the last country where I expected to go.我不想去的就是这个国家。
  6. “far from + v-ing”. Here “far” isn’t distance but metaphor, it means “far from…, never….” in Chinese. For examples: I’m far from blaming him.我决不是怪他。/ Far from eye, far from heart. 眼不见,心不烦。Sometimes, “far from + others components” is placed in the end to emphasize main clause, we must express the English negative meaning in Chinese. For examples: He is far from well.他根本谈不上健康。
  7. English words or phrases. They used to indicate negative meanings in English-Chinese translation, despite the formal positive in original. Such as “beyond, except, avoid, stop, hate, fail” and “free from, free of, instead of, be out of, etc.” For examples: A musician beyond compare.無与伦比的音乐家。/ They have classes except the weekend. 他们每天都要上课,除了周末(不上)。/ Stop singing! 不要再唱了! / The man hates to talking with her.这男的不喜欢跟她说话。/ I failed to pass the exam.我没有通过考试。/ He is free from bias.他没有偏见。/ It is a place free of noise.这是一个没有噪音的地方。/ This style of bag is out of date.这种包已经跟不上时代了。
  Besides, the phrase “anything but” can also show negative meaning in Chinese, which means “除……以外任何事物,根本不”, “一点也不”, but never make it as “……什么都是,除了…”. For examples: He is anything but a liar. 他决不是一个撒谎的人。/ She is anything but a beauty.她一点也不漂亮。 / One never loses anything but politeness. 礼多人不怪,谦虚无所失。
  8. The last kind is Proverb, which is vivid, short and very popular both in English and Chinese. Some sayings are positive in English but not positive in Chinese. Therefore, we won’t choose the English original nor go far from the cultural characteristic so that we can make the sentences be easy to understand. For examples: All good things come to an end.天下没有不散的筵席。/ A young idler, an old beggar.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。/ Between friends all is common.朋友之间不分彼此。/ Do as you would be done by.己所不欲,勿施于人。
  English-Chinese translation of the Implied Negative isn’t only important but also difficult point of English learning, if only we followed the two language habits, can we understand the original meaning and learn English well.
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