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延安地区北部丘陵沟壑区川道地,过去大部分种植秋粮。无产阶级文化大革命以来,在毛主席提出的“备战、备荒、为人民”的伟大战略方针指引下,在“农业学大寨”的群众运动中,川地小麦试种成功,连续三年创造了高产,有力地促进了川地小麦的发展。一、小麦下川大有可为陕北丘陵区川地,过去只种一年一熟的秋粮,不能充分发挥土地生产潜力。这是当地长期以来粮食生产上存在的一个重要问题。1958年后曾多次在川地试种冬麦,虽有过300斤左右的高产事例,但多数不能稳产保收,或产量很低,以致川地小麦几起几落。小麦能否下川?川地小麦能否稳产高产?这是一个急待回答的问题。从自然条件看,这个地区土层深厚,无霜期150天以上,年降水量500-600毫米,日照时间长,昼夜温差大,有利于小麦生长,特别是川水地有灌溉条件,平坦肥沃,有机质含量较高,不仅适宜种植冬小麦,而且易于获得高产。但也有不利因素,如冬季严寒, Yan’an northern hilly areas Chuan Road, most of the past planting autumn grain. Since the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, under the guidance of Chairman Mao’s great strategic guideline of “preparing for war, preparing for waste and for the people”, in the mass movement of “learning from agriculture in Dazhai”, the wheat cultivation in Sichuan Province has been successfully tested and has been created for three consecutive years High yield, effectively promoted the development of Sichuan wheat. First, there is a great potential for wheat Shichuan to hilly areas in northern Shaanxi, the past year, only a year of autumn grain crops, can not give full play to the potential of land production. This is an important issue that the local food production has long had. Since 1958, many winter wheat varieties have been planted in Sichuan. Although more than 300 kilograms of high yield have been produced, most of them can not receive any stable yield or have a very low yield. Whether wheat can Xiachuan? Sichuan wheat can yield stable yield? This is an urgent question to answer. From the natural conditions, this area is deep in soil, frost-free period of 150 days or more, the annual rainfall of 500-600 mm, long sunshine, large temperature difference between day and night, is conducive to wheat growth, especially in Sichuan irrigation conditions, fertile, organic matter High content, not only suitable for planting winter wheat, but also easy to obtain high yield. But there are also unfavorable factors, such as the winter cold,
紫草:学名Symphytum Peregrinurn(Ledeb)又称俄罗斯紫草,友谊草等,属于紫草科聚合草属。原产于苏联高加索地区,近年由日本、朝鲜引入我国。紫草具有生长快而繁茂、叶大叶多,
研究了82,68两种金刚石取芯钻头的激光焊接方法及工艺,并分析了激光焊工艺参数对焊接质量的影响。此技术已成功地应用于实际生产中,并对同类产品有指导意义。 The laser welding me