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  Xiaomei:Three dozen eggs? What do you need so many eggs for? Are you making omelets(煎蛋卷)for an army?
  Hattie:Did you forget Easter is this Sunday? I bought so many eggs because I want to dye Easter eggs!
  Xiaomei:Easter already? But its only March... I thought Easter was in April.
  Hattie:Easter is a movable holiday. Its not on a fixed date according to our calendar. Easter is always the first Sunday after the full moon following the March equinox(春分). That means that Easter could fall any time between March 22nd and April 25th. This year its a bit earlier. Good thing I remembered and bought the eggs!
  Xiaomei:You know, we dont really celebrate Easter in China where Im from... From all the decorations I see, I guess its mostly about bunnies(兔子)?
  Hattie:Ha! Youre hilarious(欢闹的). You see a lot of bunnies in Easter decorations; its true; And we also decorate and hide eggs and candy for the children. Kids take their Easter baskets and rush to find the hidden candy and eggs. We tell them the Easter bunny is the one who hid them. But apart from all these fun traditions, Easter is actually a holiday to remind us of the resurrection (复活) of Jesus Christ.
  Xiaomei:Bunnies remind you of Jesus?
  Hattie:In a way they do. All the symbols of Easter have to do with new life and birth. For example, eggs, they are symbols of new birth, a beginning of life. Bunnies, too... They are associated with a very high level of proliferation(繁殖), new life. As Christians we believe that Jesus Christ brings new life. He died on the cross to atone (贖罪) for the sins (罪行) of the world, but was resurrected three days later. With the atonement, Jesus Christ overcame physical and spiritual death, and we believe that we can overcome our past mistakes and will also be resurrected and live again. When we become Christian, we begin a new life as followers of Jesus Christ. Easter is a reminder of all that. Its a celebration of Christs triumph(战胜)over death and our opportunity to overcome our own weaknesses.
  Xiaomei:Wow, I guess theres a lot more to Easter than I thought...
  小梅:就要过复活节了呀?可是现在才三月份呀 …… 我以为复活节是四月份呢。
  哈蒂:复活节的日期不是固定的,根据每年年历的不同有所变化。复活节一般是三月春分月圆后的第一个星期日。这就意味着复活节可能出现在3月22日至4月25日之间的任何一天。今年的复活节来得有点早。好在我记着这个节日呢,所以买了这些鸡蛋!   小梅:你知道的,在我的祖国中国,我们不怎么庆祝复活节…… 根据我所看到的所有装饰物,我猜这个节日主要是关于兔子?
  1.apart from 除……之外
  2.have to do with 与……有关
  Write a composition to introduce Easter according to the conversation. You can introduce the time,the activities, the origin and what it means to the westerners. The following expressions may help you:
  fall on (节日)出现在某一天
  celebrate 庆祝
  dye Easter eggs 染復活节彩蛋
  celebration(s) 庆祝
  decorate and hide eggs and candy 装饰和藏彩蛋与糖果
  in memory of 纪念
  have to do with new life and birth 与新的生命和新生有关
  derive from 来自;起源于
  date back to 可追溯到
  a reminder of a new life as followers of Jesus Christ 作为耶稣基督的追随者的新生命的提醒
  a celebration of Christs triumph over death and our opportunity to overcome our own weaknesses 庆祝耶稣基督战胜了死亡,也庆祝人们有机会克服自身的弱点
  Also,we can use a topic sentence in each paragraph to make the structure clear. The following can be useful:
  Easter is an important festival to westerners.
  Easter usually falls on...
  People celebrate Easter in various ways.
  The origin of Easter has a long history.
  Easter is indispensable for westerners because it not only..., but also...
His Last Wish The last day of a criminal (罪犯) condemned (被宣告有罪的) to death came. The police asked him what he would like to have for breakfast. He could hav
Word bank  1.(外來的)移民  2.(尤指热带的)种植园  3.抛弃  4.怀孕的  5.悲剧;灾难;不幸