
来源 :现代预防医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:uirerhj
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[目的]分析肺癌和肝癌病人住院医疗费用趋势,为制定合理的医疗费用标准提供科学依据。[方法]抽取兰州市两家医院1996~2006年住院肺癌病人3115人和肝癌病人1135人住院病例资料,对患者住院费用进行统计学分析。[结果]1996~2006年甘肃省肝癌和肺癌患者住院天数逐年减少,日均住院费用和例均住院费用逐年增加。虽然药费比例逐年降低,但是药费比例还是很大,分别为44.08%和49.12%,同时化验费、检查费和手术费也逐年增加,检查费和手术费增加最快,肺癌年均增长速度分别为8.10%和19.57%,肝癌年均增长速度分别为17.63%和16.22%。[结论]肺癌和肝癌患者的经济负担较重,应通过降低药费,加强医院管理,建立单病种诊疗规范和费用控制标准,以减轻患者的经济负担。 [Objective] To analyze the trend of inpatient medical expenses in patients with lung cancer and liver cancer and provide scientific basis for setting reasonable medical expenses standard. [Methods] The hospitalization data of 3115 inpatients with lung cancer and 1 135 inpatients with hepatocellular carcinoma from 1996 to 2006 in two hospitals in Lanzhou were collected, and the hospitalization expenses were statistically analyzed. [Results] The hospitalization days of patients with liver cancer and lung cancer in Gansu province decreased year by year from 1996 to 2006, and the average daily hospitalization expenses and the average hospitalization expenses increased year by year. Although the proportion of drug costs decreased year by year, but the proportion of drug costs is still very large, respectively, 44.08% and 49.12%, while laboratory fees, examination fees and operating costs also increased year by year, examination and surgery costs increased the fastest average annual growth rate of lung cancer Respectively, 8.10% and 19.57%, liver cancer average annual growth rates were 17.63% and 16.22%. [Conclusion] The patients with lung cancer and liver cancer have a heavy financial burden. They should reduce the cost of drugs and strengthen the hospital management to establish a single disease treatment standard and cost control standard to reduce the economic burden on patients.
队列研究(cohort study)属前瞻性研究,又称群组研究和定群研究.即选择一个尚未发生所研究疾病或事件的人群,根据有无暴露于某研究因素的情况,将其分为暴露组和非暴露组,随访
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Spectrum sharing for efficient reuse of licensed spectrum is an important concept for cognitive radio technologies.In a spectrum-sharing system(SSS),deploying t