
来源 :南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:erikwg
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一、自然科学基金机构建立的意义 科学基金是为发展人类知识体系而进行的一种特殊形式的投资,是为了推动科学技术的进步而专门储备或指定的资金。1926年2月,国务院决定成立国家自然科学基金委员会。这个基金会的成立,是科技体制改革的重要内容之一,是基础研究和部分应用研究的拨款制度走向规范化的重大部署,对打破条、块分配经费、部门所有制和“大锅饭”,推动竞争和协作,促进人才的合理流动及学术交流具有深远意义。实行科学基金制有利于加强科研责任制,调动科研人员的积极性、主动性和创造性,有利于贯彻党的科技方针,落实国家的长远科技发展规划,把科研工作引导到党和国家战略决策的方向上来。 二、自然科学基金项目申报及注意事项: 1、项目的选择 国家自然科学基金“项目指南”是项目选择的依据。“项目指南”扼要介绍了资助范围与重点领域,鼓励研究的内容、选择对象等内容,以此指导全国科技工作者选择科研项目。 2、重视学科交叉和学科间相互渗透 尽管科学基金申报划分了几个科学部,分别受理 I. The Significance of Establishing Natural Science Funds Institutions Science funds are a special type of investment for the development of a human knowledge system and are earmarked reserves or designated funds for the promotion of science and technology. February 1926, the State Council decided to set up a National Natural Science Foundation of China. The founding of this foundation is one of the important contents of the reform of the science and technology system. It is a major arrangement for the standardization of the appropriation system for basic research and some applied research. It is necessary to allocate funds to break the bar and block, sectoral ownership and “big pot”, promote competition and It is of far-reaching significance to collaborate and promote the rational flow of talents and academic exchanges. The implementation of the scientific fund system is conducive to strengthening the responsibility system for scientific research and mobilizing the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of scientific researchers. It is conducive to implementing the party’s scientific and technological policies, implementing the country’s long-term science and technology development plan, and guiding scientific research to the direction of the party’s and state’s strategic decisions Up Second, the natural sciences project declaration and matters needing attention: 1, the project’s choice NSFC “project guide” is the basis for project selection. The “Project Guide” outlines the scope of funding and key areas, to encourage research content, select the object and so on, in order to guide the national science and technology workers to choose scientific research projects. 2, emphasis on interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary research Although the Science Foundation declared several scientific divisions, respectively, accepted
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上海高速公路网建设规划的目标。是以上海市社会经济发展战略 总目标为依据,以保障并促进上海市经济发展、带动长江流域经济发展,将上海市建设成为国际经济、金融、贸易中心