
来源 :郑州大学学报(哲学社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hhxxff2009
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作为中国美学重要构成部分的江南美学可以分为三个阶段:从远古到西晋是前江南美学——远古的良渚等文化,春秋的吴越文化,战国秦汉的楚文化,三国时的东吴文化,从各个方面以多样元素为江南美学的形成奠定了基础。从东晋开始到晚清,是正式的江南美学。它以南京、扬州、杭州、苏州为核心,并扩展到周围区域,在中国古代文化中占有一个极为重要的地位。从晚清到而今,是后江南美学。因上海在世界现代化大潮中崛起,以中国与西方的互动为主轴,具有了现代性的特点,又与原来江南核心地区进行文化互动,并极大地影响这些地区的美学演进。本期刊发的四篇文章,主要梳理江南美学正式形成前的前江南美学。文章分别从良渚文化、吴越文化、楚文化、东吴文化中与江南美学最为相关的元素和观念进行言说,希望能够推进江南美学的研究。 Jiangnan Aesthetics which is an important part of Chinese aesthetics can be divided into three stages: from the ancient times to the Western Jin Dynasty, it is the former Jiangnan aesthetics - the ancient Liangzhu culture, the Wu-Yue culture in the Spring and Autumn Period, the Chu culture in the Warring States period and the Qin and Han Dynasties, , From all aspects with a variety of elements for the formation of Jiangnan aesthetics laid the foundation. From the Eastern Jin Dynasty to the late Qing Dynasty, is an official Jiangnan aesthetics. With Nanjing, Yangzhou, Hangzhou and Suzhou as the core, it extends to the surrounding area and occupies an extremely important position in ancient Chinese culture. From late Qing Dynasty to now, it is the post-Jiangnan aesthetics. Due to the rise of Shanghai in the world’s tide of modernization and the interaction between China and the West, it has the characteristics of modernity and interacts with the original core areas of the south of Yangtze River and greatly affects the aesthetical evolution of these areas. The four articles published in this issue mainly focus on the former Jiangnan aesthetics before the formal formation of Jiangnan Aesthetics. The essay respectively talks about the elements and concepts most relevant to Jiangnan aesthetics in Liangzhu culture, Wuyue culture, Chu culture and Soochow culture, hoping to promote the study of Jiangnan aesthetics.
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