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一、养蚕师傅扔下桑叶从政何其巩,1899年出生于安徽桐城一个破落的仕宦人家。其父有感世道衰微,文字饥难煮,不若求得一门学以致用的技术,好谋个安身养家。于是送他去就读芜湖第二农桑学校,不久,因参与学潮被学校开除,流落到某农场做了一个养蚕的“蚕师傅”。何自知伺弄虫子与富贵荣华无缘。闻说桐城老乡胡聘三在山东当了旅长,心头一热,扔下桑叶投奔从戎,两三年间始终没闹出啥名堂。才又投到冯玉祥麾下。 First, the sericulture master throwing mulberry leaves politics how Gong Gong, born in 1899 in Tongcheng, Anhui, a dilapidated official people. His father felt a decline in the world, the text of the cooking hungry, not to seek a dedication to use technology, so he would like to settle down to support their families. So he sent him to attend Wuhu second Nong Sang school, and soon, due to participation in school tide was expelled, went to a farm made a silkworm “silkworm master ”. Know how to do with insects and wealthy splendor missed. Heard Tongcheng fellow Hu three recruitment in Shandong when the brigadier, a hot heart, throwing mulberry leaves defected to run, two or three years has always been no sign of trouble. It was cast under the command of Feng Yuxiang again.