2011年,欧亨尼奥·布雷格拉特(Eugenio Bregolat)先生又一次来到了中国,担任西班牙驻华大使。这是他继上世纪80年代、90年代之后,第三次被任命为驻华大使。他对中国和中国文化的深入了解得到了同行、同事和朋友们的高度认可。作为中国人民的好朋友,他在过去的25年中亲身感受到了中国卓越的发展成就,为巩固中西两国的友好关系作出了独特的贡献。根据自己对中国社会发生的深刻变化的独到而深入的观察,他撰写了《第二次中国革命》一书,该著作也成为了西班牙社会深入了解中国社会变迁的一部必读作品。日前,本刊编辑应邀作客西班牙驻华使馆,对大使先生进行了专访。
In 2011, Eugenio Bregolat once again came to China as Ambassador of Spain to China. This is the third time he has been appointed ambassador to China since the 1980s and 1990s. His deep understanding of China and Chinese culture was highly recognized by his colleagues, colleagues and friends. As a good friend of the Chinese people, he personally experienced the remarkable achievements of China in the past 25 years and made unique contributions to consolidating the friendly relations between China and the West. Based on his unique and in-depth observation of the profound changes that have taken place in Chinese society, he wrote The Second Chinese Revolution, which also became a must-read for Spanish society to understand China’s social changes in depth. Recently, our editors were invited to visit the Spanish Embassy in China and conducted an exclusive interview with the ambassador.