
来源 :中医药管理杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liaqin18
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《中国中医药报》2015年1月29日讯:“这一年,报道中医药的媒体朋友们也是蛮拼的。”2015年1月28日,国家中医药管理局召开的2014年中医药十大新闻发布会暨新闻媒体座谈会上,国家卫生计生委副主任、国家中医药管理局局长王国强对各家新闻媒体表示感谢,提出今年将拓展中医药宣传新途径。王国强表示,中医药文化科普与新闻宣传需要借助现代科学技术支持。去年 “China’s Traditional Chinese Medicine Newspaper” January 29, 2015 News: “This year, the media friends who reported the Chinese medicine are also quite spell.” "On January 28, 2015, the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine held 2014 At the press conference and news media symposium of the top ten Chinese medicine clinics, Wang Guoqiang, deputy director of the State Health and Family Planning Commission and director of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, expressed thanks to various news media and proposed that this year it will expand new channels for promoting traditional Chinese medicine. Wang Guoqiang said that the popularization of Chinese medicine culture and public information needs the help of modern science and technology. last year
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四、“围剿”与反“围剿”的斗争 革命根据地和苏维埃区域的迅速发展,严重威胁了国民党的统治,为了扑灭革命根据地的革命烈火,国民党军队对中央苏区展开了一次又一次的“围
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