
来源 :土壤通报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:stone601287990
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以不同植被恢复阶段的土壤样品作为研究对象,采用微生物培养法、生化活性试验法及氯仿熏蒸法分析了退化喀斯特植被恢复过程中不同层次、不同生境、根际和非根际土壤基础呼吸及代谢熵(qCO2)的变化特征。结果表明:退化喀斯特植被恢复过程中土壤基础呼吸及qCO2存在较大差异。随着退化喀斯特植被的恢复,土壤基础呼吸明显增强,表现为乔木群落阶段>灌木群落阶段>草本群落阶段>裸地阶段,但qCO2明显下降,反映出土壤质量在逐渐恢复;土壤基础呼吸及qCO2在土壤剖面上均表现明显的垂直变化特征,即随土层深度的增加,呈递减趋势,具体表现为A层>B层的特点;土壤基础呼吸及qCO2的变化特征在不同生境间表现为:除裸地恢复阶段外,其它三个阶段总体上表现为石沟比石槽和土面两个小生境偏大的特点,这是因为石沟生境的特点有利于微生物类群及土壤动植物群体的繁殖;根际和根外变化明显,表现为根际>非根际。因此,创造了更好的土壤条件更有利于退化喀斯特植被的恢复。 Soil samples from different stages of vegetation restoration were taken as the research objects. Microbial culture, biochemical activity test and chloroform fumigation were used to analyze the basic respiration and metabolism of soil at different levels, habitats, rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere during the restoration of degraded karst vegetation Change characteristics of entropy (qCO2). The results showed that there were great differences in soil respiration and qCO2 in the process of vegetation restoration in degraded karst regions. With the restoration of degraded karst vegetation, the soil basic respiration increased significantly, showing as the stage of arbor community> shrub stage> herb community stage> bare land stage, but the qCO2 decreased significantly, indicating that the soil quality was recovering gradually. The soil respiration and qCO2 In the soil profile, there are obvious vertical variation characteristics, that is, with the depth of the soil increasing, showing a decreasing trend, which is characterized by the characteristics of layer A> layer B. The changes of soil basic respiration and qCO2 in different habitats are: Except for the restoration stage of bare land, the other three stages are generally characterized by the fact that the stone ditches are larger than the two niches of the stone trenches and the soil surface. This is because the characteristics of the stone ditches are favorable to the microbial communities and soil animals and plants Reproductive; rhizosphere and root changes significantly, the performance of the rhizosphere> non-rhizosphere. Therefore, creating better soil conditions is more conducive to the recovery of degraded karst vegetation.
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