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公元1078年,宋神宗的姐姐长公主的女儿病了,她请遍了京都的名医,用了许多贵重药,孩子的病仍不见好。山东名医钱乙来了,一检查,说:‘孩子生的是富贵病。’长公主不解,便向他请教。钱乙说:‘大凡有钱人家的孩子,吃穿易过于讲究。吃的油腻多了,脾胃阻滞,不思饮食;穿的过于暖了,缺少锻炼,难御风寒。如不注意,这次治好了,以后还会再犯。’长公主问他怎么办?钱乙说:‘若要小儿安,须带三分饥与寒。孩子饮食不要顿数太多,不要吃得太饱,以免伤及脾胃,穿着最好轻薄些,让她多到户外游戏,可以活动筋骨,畅 In 1078 AD, the daughter of Princess SONG Zong’s princess was ill. She visited famous doctors in Kyoto and used many expensive medicines. The child’s illness still does not get well. Shandong famous doctor Qian B came, a check, said: ’children are born rich disease. Princess princess puzzled, then ask him. Qian Yi said: ’Mostly rich children, eat too easy to stress. Eat more oily, spleen and stomach block, do not think diet; wear too warm, lack of exercise, difficult to Royal wind cold. If you do not pay attention, this is cured, and later will be repeated. Princess asked him how to do? Qian Yi said: ’If children’s safety, to be three-point hunger and cold. Do not eat too much food, do not eat too full, so as not to hurt the spleen and stomach, wearing the best light, let her more outdoor games, activities bones, smooth
小儿佝偻病的症状比较典型,只要父母花十分钟的时间仔细观察一下自己的小宝宝,就可以估计是否得了佝偻病。那么,家长应从哪些方面观察自己的小宝宝是否患有佝偻病呢? ●三个
四忌暴食。暴食会使消化道负担加重,影响胃的蠕动和消化,食物长时间滞留在胃里,发酵腐败,引起嗳气、呕吐,甚至腹痛腹泻。 Four avoid eating too much. Excessive consumpt
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