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任何情况下受众都不会完全放弃对电视新幣的关注,世界上斯有祫闯媒体都对新闻节目投入巨大的力量以加强新闻节目的制作和传播。当前对电视新螀箾謿祫展丁覒到了白热化的程度。电视工作者要充分认识到这一点。这里关于“受众意识”问题,谈一些看法。一、电视新闻现状捲及存在的问题电视新闻性节目伴随着电视业的发展,在我国已经历了几十年的历程。从初茪疾单的新闻谢传,到今天丰富多彩的新闻节目形态,我国电视新闻性节目伴随着社会主义事业的发展也经历了讛森的发展和变革,幰国电视新闻性节目无论娗在传播理念上,还是在制播实践上,都发生了极为深刻的变化。尤其在近十年期间,电视新螀祫袇息量正在不断增加,凔吰栏効也在不断出现,例如中央电视台的《焦点访谈》、《新闻调查》等,成为了收娪偸非常高的新闻节目。其报道的深度、信息量的充分以及事件对于老百姓的意义€唇?都是成功的,是人们真朂彶欢看的新闻。而且制播手段也正在迅速发展,使人们更真实地看到了动态新闻。但是也应该承认,不少新闻节目在日掓喗凂化的娱乐节目的反衬下还是显得不够灵活,很多新闻并不是遵循着接郊性、重要性、新鲜性、趣味性的规律来制播,所以导致收视率低下。原因是例行常规的内容还是比较多,尤其是经济新闻老套平白,只是? In any case, the audiences will not completely abandon the concern about new television broadcasts. All the world’s most influential media outlets have invested heavily in news programs to enhance the production and dissemination of news programs. At present, the number of new TV shows has soared. TV workers should fully realize this. Here on the issue of “audience awareness”, to talk about some views. First, the status quo of TV news and problems Television news programs along with the development of the television industry in China has gone through several decades of history. From the beginning of the news bulletin Xie Chuan, to today’s rich and varied news programs, our television news programs accompanied by the development of the socialist cause have also undergone the development and change, the country’s television news programs no matter what Communication concept, or in the practice of broadcasting, have undergone profound changes. In particular, during the past decade, the amount of new television messages is steadily increasing and the effectiveness of television programs is constantly emerging. For example, the “focus interviews” and “news surveys” of CCTV have become very high. News program The depth of coverage, the amount of information, and the significance of the event for the common people are all successful and newsworthy news. And the means of broadcasting is also rapidly developing, so that people can see the dynamic news more realistically. However, it should also be acknowledged that many news programs are still not flexible enough against the backdrop of the diminishing entertainment programs. Many news programs do not follow the rules of sub-nationality, importance, freshness and fun, So lead to low ratings. The reason is routine content is still more routine, especially the economic news bluntly, but?
【研究背景】  女性盆底功能障碍性疾病(Pelvic floor dysfunctional diseases,PFD)的发病率逐年升高,是中老年妇女的常见疾病,经产妇有将近50%会发生盆腔脏器脱垂(Pelvic organ p
神经元蜡样质脂褐素沉积病(neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses,NCLs)是一组儿童常见的遗传性、进行性和致死性的中枢神经系统变性疾病。根据发病年龄、病程、超微病理改变可分4
目的:对骨髓涂片、活检和流式细胞学三种方法,检测恶性淋巴瘤患者是否有骨髓受累进行比较,并与相关临床因素进行关联性分析,为临床检测提供一定的有价值的选择。  方法:收集
粤香占是广东农科院水稻所育成的常规稻品种 ,1997年和1998年参加全国南方稻区华南早籼组区试 ,1999年参加全国南方稻区华南早籼组生产试验 ,经3年玉林试点试验及大田生产试种 ,表现丰产、