
来源 :中华商标 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yiquanzou
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一、进一步完善了商标确权程序1.扩大了商标注册的客体。为鼓励企业自主创新,适应商标注册的新需求,同时结合商标审查及注册的技术能力,新商标法取消了现行法对商标注册的可视性要求,明确规定声音可以作为商标申请注册,为我国受理新型商标的申请打开了法律之门。2.开放了电子申请的方式。如今美、日、欧等发达国家的商 First, to further improve the trademark rights confirmation process 1. Expand the object of trademark registration. In order to encourage enterprises to innovate independently and adapt to the new requirements of trademark registration, combined with the technical capabilities of trademark examination and registration, the new trademark law removes the requirement of the current law on the visibility of trademark registration, clearly stipulates that sound can be registered as a trademark and accepted by China The application of a new type of trademark opened the door to law. 2. Open the way for electronic applications. Now the United States, Japan and Europe and other developed countries business
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四季的颜色很多,春天是青葱翠绿的,夏天是绿树成阴的,秋天是五彩缤纷的,冬天是银装素裹的。就拿大山来说吧,春天的山是绿色的,可那绿是浅浅 Four seasons of many colors, t
眼睛是心灵的窗户。有了眼睛,世界就光明;没有眼睛,世界就暗淡。转眼间过去了13个春秋,妈妈那双“多变”的眼睛时刻注视着我。 The eyes are the windows of the soul. With
目的了解农村老年人口腔健康相关生命质量现状,分析其影响因素。方法调查重庆市荣昌区古昌、仁义、万灵3个乡镇共712名农村老年人,采用老年口腔健康评价指数(Geriatric Oral
Hi, boys and girls!我们学过的一般现在时和现在进行时是动词时态的基础,那么,两者有什么不同呢?    一、时间状语不同    一般现在时常用的时间状语有:every day/week/year, on Sunday等等;而现在进行时常与时间状语now, these days等连用。例如:   1.He usually watches TV on Saturday evening.
在解与平行四边形相关的问题中,蕴涵着许多数学思想、方法.在解题时,充分运用这些思想和方法,可以简化解题过程. There are many mathematical ideas and methods in solvin