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财会人员虽然不一定要象文字学家那样会认会写许多字,但一般常用字、与财会有关的字一定要会写会认,避免发生讹误。副付附“副”、“付”、“附”三字是财会人员的常用字,但有人不能正确区分,往往写错。“副”,是居第二位的、辅助的、附带的意思。如副职,副厂长、副本、副品等。用于量词时,一般是指成套的东西,如一副对联。在财会上,如“副业收入”、“副业支出”,不可别为“付”或“附”。“附”,是随带、靠近、依从的意思。如“附笔、附件、附属”等,在财会上有“附加工资”或“附加费”。“副”,“付”、“附”是三个同音字,都读fù,但用法不同。有些人不加区别,把“副业”别成“付业”,把“附加费”别成“付加费”,把“副职”别成“付职”。尽管不影响做帐或意思的表达,但都是不规范的,属于别字。大写壹贰叁……零为了避免涂改,财会人员常用大写数目字。大 Although financial accountants do not necessarily have to write many words like a literary scholar, they are commonly used words. Words related to the accounting profession must be written and acknowledged to avoid corruption. Deputy attached “vice”, “pay”, “attached” three words are the common characters of accounting personnel, but some people can not correctly distinguish, often wrong. “Deputy” is the second, auxiliary, incidental meaning. Such as deputy, deputy factory director, a copy, vice and so on. For quantifiers, generally refers to the package of things, such as a couplet. In the accounting, such as “sideline income”, “sideline spending” must not be “paid” or “attached.” “Attached” is to bring, close to, the meaning of compliance. Such as “with pen, attachments, subsidiary”, etc., in the accounting “surcharge” or “surcharge.” “Deputy”, “pay”, “attached” is the three homonym, all read fù, but the usage is different. Some people make no distinction between “sideline businesses” as “paying jobs” and “surcharges” as “paying premiums” and “deputy posts” as “paying jobs.” Although does not affect the account or the expression of meaning, but they are not standardized, belong to other characters. One two three uppercase ... ... zero in order to avoid alterations, accounting numbers commonly used in financial figures. Big
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