
来源 :临床消化病杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jianqing3232
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目的 :通过应用生长激素后 ,大鼠肠梗阻动物模型细菌移位的改变情况 ,探索可能减少细菌移位的药物。方法 :雄性SD大鼠 30只 ,随机分为假手术组、肠梗阻组和生长激素组。生长激素组每鼠予重组人生长激素 (rhGH) 80 0μg ,腹腔注射 ,每天 1次共 5天 ,最后 1次在术前 2小时。肠梗阻组和生长激素组予结扎回肠 ,造成单纯性机械性肠梗阻模型 ,假手术组作对照。术后 2 4小时处死大鼠 ,采集标本。检测血、肝脏和肠系膜淋巴结 (MLN )细菌移位情况、血浆内毒素水平和进行回肠病理学检查等。结果 :(1)细菌移位率 :假手术组、肠梗阻组和生长激素组分别为 15 %、70 %、和2 0 % (P <0 .0 1)。 (2 )细菌移位数水平 :假手术组、肠梗阻组和生长激素组分别为 874.67± 42 6.5 1CFU/g ,15 41.87±5 2 2 .5 1CFU/g和 895 .0 0± 485 .2 0CFU/g(P <0 .0 5 )。 (3)血浆内毒素水平 :假手术组为 0 .0 5 6± 0 .0 0 3Eu/ml,肠梗阻组为 0 .373± 0 .0 64Eu/ml(P <0 .0 1) ,生长激素组为 0 .0 74± 0 .0 0 2Eu/ml(P <0 .0 1)。 (4 )病理结果显示 ,假手术组肠粘膜基本正常。肠梗阻组粘膜上皮脱落 ,绒毛坏死 ,粘膜下水肿 ,炎症细胞浸润。生长激素组粘膜上皮偶见脱落 ,粘膜下稍水肿 ,未见绒毛坏死。结论 :单纯性机械性肠梗阻可造成细菌 OBJECTIVE: To explore possible bacterial translocation by changing the bacterial translocation in animal model of intestinal obstruction after application of growth hormone. Methods: Thirty male SD rats were randomly divided into sham operation group, intestinal obstruction group and growth hormone group. Growth hormone group rats to recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) 80 0μg, intraperitoneal injection, once a day for a total of 5 days, the last one 2 hours before surgery. Intestinal obstruction group and growth hormone group were ligated ileum, resulting in simple mechanical intestinal obstruction model, sham operation group as a control. The rats were sacrificed 24 hours after the operation, and the specimens were collected. Detection of blood, liver and mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN) bacterial translocation, plasma endotoxin levels and pathological examination of ileum. Results: (1) The bacterial translocation rate was 15%, 70%, and 20% in sham group, intestinal obstruction group and growth hormone group respectively (P <0.01). (2) The level of bacterial translocation: The sham operation group, intestinal obstruction group and growth hormone group were 874.67 ± 42.551CFU / g, 1541.87 ± 52.2.51CFU / g and 895.000 ± 485.2 0 CFU / g (P <0. 05). (3) The level of plasma endotoxin in the sham-operated group was 0. 056 ± 0. 300Eu / ml, and the intestinal obstruction group was 0.373 ± 0.64Eu / ml (P <0.01) The hormone group was 0.074 ± 0.002Eu / ml (P <0.01). (4) pathological results showed that the intestinal mucosa of sham operation group was normal. Intestinal obstruction group mucosal epithelial shedding, villous necrosis, submucosal edema, inflammatory cell infiltration. Growth hormone group mucosal epithelium occasionally shedding, submucosal edema, no hair necrosis. Conclusion: Simple mechanical intestinal obstruction can cause bacteria
为观察在原有胸腹腔PDD局部化疗加全身以ADM为主联合化疗治疗恶性胸腹水方法的基础上 ,加用静脉营养支持治疗后的效果。采用随机分组 ,每个周期治疗结果的对比研究进行评价。
目的 :探讨高危孕妇中TOX、CMV、HSV感染对妊娠结局关系。方法 :随机抽样对 2 0 9例高危孕妇 ,采用套式PCR检测TOX、CMV、HSV感染率并随访妊娠结局。结果 :① 2 0 9例高危孕