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隋唐是中国封建社会的鼎盛期,其开放包容的国度,欣欣向荣的经济、文化,对域外产生了强大的吸引力,并由此带动了对外贸易港的兴起和发展。唐代之前,明州港(前身为句章港)虽然不断见诸史籍,但与海外的联系还处于自发的状态。明代学者黄润玉曾据汉代贸(鄮)山的命名由来提出:“吾郡有贸山,盖昔番舶贸易处。”果如此,则明州港的对外贸易要追溯到汉代了,但黄说至今尚得不到有力的证据支撑。迨至唐玄宗开元二十六年(738年),浙东出现了历史性的明、越分治局面,唐穆宗长庆元年(821年),明州州治从小溪移至三江口,进一步奠定了以三江口为核心的即港即城的新城市形态,明州经济亦获得长足的发展,而拥有出海口的浙东运河,则使港口运输内外联接,使经济辐射到更为 The Sui and Tang dynasties were the heyday of the feudal society in China. Its open and tolerant economy and its thriving economy and culture have created a strong attraction to the rest of the world. This has led to the rise and development of the foreign trade port. Prior to the Tang Dynasty, although the port of Minnesota (formerly known as the Sentence, Chapter and Hong Kong) constantly saw historical records, the connection with overseas countries was still spontaneous. According to the naming of the Han Dynasty Trade (Huangshan) mountain, Huang Yunyu, a scholar of the Ming Dynasty, put forward: “There is a trade office in Gurbang County and a Ghost Ship Trade Office.” If so, the foreign trade of Mingzhou Port goes back to the Han Dynasty, Huang said so far there is no strong evidence support.迨 to Tang Xuanzong Kaiyuan twenty-six years (738 years), eastern Zhejiang appeared a historic Ming, the more divided governance situation, the first year of the TangMongzong Changqing (821 years), MingZhou moved from stream to Sanjiangkou, Further laid the Sanjiangkou as the core of that is Hong Kong that city new city morphology, Mingzhou economy has also made considerable development, and have the sea east of the canal, then the port transport inside and outside the link, so that economic radiation more
交通部新近发布了《营业性道路运输驾驶员职业培训管理规定》。根据这一规定,从2002年7月1日起,驾驶机动车从事营业性道路运输活动的驾驶员必须参加由县以 Ministry of Comm
目的 探讨在视网膜内界膜完整的情况下糖尿病视网膜表面膜中的主要细胞成分,推测这些增殖细胞的来源,为糖尿病视网膜表面膜形成的病理机制提供新的思路.方法 视网膜表面膜为
有些机动车驾驶员从初学驾驶时就养成一些不正确的操作习惯,这种不良习惯在外界不良因素的引发下,就可能在瞬间造成大灾大祸。 Some drivers of motor vehicles develop som
目的 探讨微创关节镜技术在膝关节腘窝囊肿中的治疗效果.方法 选取我院2016年6月至2017年5月收治的腘窝囊肿患者30例,随机分为微创组(微创关节镜治疗,15例)和传统组(传统开放
抚顺县农机监理所肩负着抚顺县农用机动车核发牌照、安全管理和全县农用车驾驶员考核发证的重任,是直接面对全县农机户的服务窗口单位。1998年建立党支部以来, Fushun Count