一条以生产印刷感光制版胶片为主的涂布整理生产线日前在河南省南阳市化工部第二胶片厂正式交付生产,并通过国家验收。 涂布整理生产线是生产感光材料的主要装备。这条设计生产能力为年产450万平方米感光胶片的涂布整理生产线于“七五”未动工建设,1992年年底开始化工试车,并一次化工投料试车成功。从1993年8月试生产
A coating finishing production line based on production of photosensitivity printing plates was officially delivered to the second film factory of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of Nanyang City, Henan Province, and passed inspection by the state. Coating finishing production line is the main equipment for producing photosensitive materials. This production line with a designed production capacity of 4.5 million square meters per year of photographic film has not started construction in the 7th Five-Year Plan. Chemical trials began at the end of 1992 and a chemical investment test was successful. Trial production from August 1993