“The Little Teacher”在中职英语教学中的运用

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针对中职学生学习主动性不强、自觉性欠缺,英语语法难理解的现状,同时结合当前我省新课程改革要求,笔者借阅了陶行知的“小先生制”的教辅模式,将其运用到中职英语课堂教学中,并将其与学前教育专业能力要求相对接。通过以学法为指导,以演绎与归纳、分析与综合为抓手,探讨并形成了以“The Little Teacher”领衔的教学模式。该教学模式是指学习共同体在“The Little Teacher”的引领下,学生对学习过程和学习内容的感知,对问题的思考、决策和自我独立解析问题的行为能力。通过实施,使得学生在学生自主学习能力、参与意识、问题研究,沟通交流、责任感,团队意识、团结协作,信息收集能力,批判性思维、逻辑思维能力、解决问题能力得到大幅度提高,解题思维和能力得到强有力的训练,学生的自身价值得到体现;建立了和谐的、积极的、主动的课堂教学氛围;同时使教师的教学效能得到提升;适应了学前教育专业岗位的要求。 In view of the current students ’learning initiative is not strong, the lack of conscientiousness, English grammar difficult to understand the status quo, combined with the current requirements of the new curriculum reform in our province, I borrow Tao Xingzhi’ s “small system” teaching mode, Apply it to English teaching in secondary vocational schools and compare it with the requirements of pre-primary education. Through taking the method of learning as guidance, taking deductive, inductive, analysis and synthesis as the starting point, this paper explores and forms the teaching mode headed by “The Little Teacher”. The teaching mode refers to the learning community’s ability to perceive the learning process and learning content, thinking and decision-making of the problem and analyzing the problem of self-independence under the guidance of “The Little Teacher” of the learning community. Through the implementation, the students’ abilities of self-regulated learning, problem-solving, communication, responsibility, teamwork, solidarity and cooperation, information collection, critical thinking, logical thinking and problem solving have been greatly improved. Thinking and ability to get a strong training, the value of students to be reflected; the establishment of a harmonious, positive, active classroom teaching atmosphere; at the same time to enable teachers to improve teaching effectiveness; adapted to pre-primary education requirements.
【Abstract】When it comes to assessing students’ writing in EFL contexts especially in traditional teacher-centered classrooms, teacher feedback is dominant and helps to improve effectively the students
Speaking is the most important aspect of the communication, fluent and accurate speaking can convey your ideas to the others more effectively. However, speaking