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本试验旨在通过电热线加温,提高大棚内土温,从而增加栽培料温,在寒冷冬季进行平菇生产,以便在春节期间供应市场,获得较好的经济效益和社会效益,现将试验结果简报如下。 一、材料与方法 (一)供试材料 ①菌种:佛罗里达平菇。②培养料配方:棉子壳78%,麦麸20%,石膏粉1%,糖1%,多菌灵0.1%,水适量,共用料1000kg。③加温设备:DV20810电热线1根,DKW型控温仪一个。 (二)试验方法 12月初在棚内一侧铺设电热线,上面铺碎土,另一侧以不铺设电热线为对照,面积各为0.1亩(不设重复)。将棉子壳按配方拌好,铺在栽培床上压块,四周播上菌种压实,最上层撒满菌种,然后整平,共播种四层,先盖薄膜再盖草帘,接通电源,土温控制在20℃,待菌丝体长满出现菇蕾时,改为小弓棚,上面盖草帘,土温控制在10℃左右,后期进行变温管理,白天料温控制在20℃,夜间料温降为10℃左右。 二、结果与分析 (一)对生长发育期影响 试验菇床由于采用电热加温,培养料温度增加,培养料湿度也相应提高,菌种活性增强,因此发菌快,从播种到长满菌丝(12月20日)仅20天左右,比同期播种的对照(1月21日长满菌丝)提前30天左右,头潮菇的出现,试验组是1月20日,比对照(3月4日)提前45天左右。 (二)对鲜菇产量的影响 电热加温栽培试验组的菇床,平菇生长快,前期产? The purpose of this experiment is to increase the temperature of soil in the greenhouse by heating electric hot wire to increase the temperature of planting material and produce mushrooms in the cold winter in order to supply the market during the Spring Festival and obtain better economic and social benefits. The result briefing is as follows. First, materials and methods (a) the test material ① strain: Florida Pleurotus ostreatus. ② training materials formula: 78% cotton seed, wheat bran 20%, gypsum powder 1%, 1% sugar, carbendazim 0.1%, water amount, common material 1000kg. ③ heating equipment: DV20810 a hotline, DKW-type temperature controller. (B) Test Method Early in December in the studio laying a hotline on the side of the ground above the ground, the other side is not laying hotline for control, the area of ​​0.1 acres each (no duplication). The cotton seed shells according to the recipe mix, shop in the cultivation bed pressure block, surrounded by sowing bacteria species compaction, sprinkle the top strain, and then leveling, a total of four seeding, the first cover film and then cover straw curtain, connected Power, soil temperature control at 20 ℃, until mycelium overgrown with mushroom buds, to a small bow shed, covered with straw curtain above the earth temperature control at about 10 ℃, the late change management, day temperature control at 20 ℃ , Night temperature drop is about 10 ℃. Second, the results and analysis (A) of the growth and development of the test Mushroom bed due to the use of electric heating, increasing the temperature of the culture material, the culture material also increased the humidity, bacteria activity increased, so germination fast, from sowing to covered with bacteria (20 December) only about 20 days, compared with the control sown at the same period (January 21 full of mycelium) about 30 days ahead of the head tide mushrooms appeared in the experimental group is January 20, compared with the control (3 Month 4) 45 days in advance. (B) the impact on the yield of mushrooms Electric heating cultivation test group mushroom bed, mushroom growth fast, pre-production?
造好房子造健康在第六届人居展上,绿城启动了名为“天使计划”的绿城健康促进系统。其实,早在3 月31日起,绿城健康促进系统首个健康会所已正式落户绿城·杭州春江花月社区,4
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