Photoluminescence Characterization of NASICON Material

来源 :稀有金属材料与工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tjc
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Besides gas sensitivity,NASICON (Na super ion conductor) material has luminescence characterization.In this paper,the photoluminescence properties of NASICON and doped-NASICON material are investigated.The NASICON material was synthesized by conventional sol-gel process,and doped with Er_2O_3,Tm_2O_3,Dy_2O_3,CsCl by 1%,3%,5% (mass ratio),respectively.The ultraviolet light (325 nm,He-Cd laser) excited luminescent emissions of the resulted powders are recorded vs.wavelength in the 330 nm to 650 nm range.The main peak of the pure NASICON is found at the wavelength of 474 nm (blue light),the transition energy is 2.616 eV.The luminescent intensity is weakened obviously after doping with Er_2O_3 and Tm_2O_3,but is increased after doping with Dy_2O_3 and 3% CsCl. NASAON (Na super ion conductor) material has luminescence characterization. In this paper, the photoluminescence properties of NASICON and doped-NASICON materials are investigated. NASICON was synthesized by conventional sol-gel process, and doped with Er 2 O 3, Tm 2 O 3, Dy 2 O 3, CsCl by 1%, 3%, 5% (mass ratio), respectively. The luminescent emissions of the luminescent emissions were recorded vs. wave length in the 330 nm to 650 nm range. The main peak of the pure NASICON is found at the wavelength of 474 nm (blue light), the transition energy is 2.616 eV. The luminescent intensity is weakened obviously after doping with Er 2 O 3 and Tm 2 O 3, but is increased after doping with Dy 2 O 3 and 3% CsCl.
星期天,大毛和爸爸妈妈去郊(jiāo)游。大毛从清澈(chè)的溪水里,网了一群可爱的小蝌蚪。  “哈哈,很快我就有一群青蛙啦!”在妈妈的帮助下,大毛把蝌蚪养在了水盆里。  小蝌蚪们长得可快啦。  它们先是长出了后腿,接着又长出了前腿。  然后,尾巴也渐渐不见了,最后,变成了……  咦?这……这哪里是青蛙,明明是蛤蟆(há ma)呀!  原来,大毛不小心把蛤蟆妈妈的孩子带回家了。嘿嘿,长大后的小蝌
【书籍简介】  《淮南子》又名《淮南鸿烈》,由西汉淮南王刘安主持编著,故而得名。《淮南子》原书分为内21篇,外33篇,今只流传内21篇,思想内容以道家思想为主,同时夹杂着先秦各家的学说。《淮南子》在阐明哲理时,也保存了一部分神话材料,比如“女娲补天”“后羿射日”“塞翁失马”等。  【关于作者】  淮南王刘安是当时皇室贵族中学术修养较为深厚的人,为了反对汉武帝刘彻所推行的政治改革,他招致宾客方术之士
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