
来源 :中国社会历史评论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:I_want_to
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“社会”一词是人文社会科学领域中习见常用的最基本词汇之一,该词含义古今有别,中外殊异,语义丰富几至庞杂,同时涉及多学科、跨领域。本文的研究主要致力于从历史学的视角考察概念的流变历程,梳理“社会”一词在中国典籍中出现,及至中国古代各个历史时期的确切含义所指,直到晚清在与外来文化的交流碰撞中发生并完成现代涵义的定型为止的知识变迁过程,着力于辨清此中前一个意思流动过渡到后一个意思背后的内在逻辑,以及在这个历时性的长时段中如何完成了知识的“新陈代谢”过程。研究同时发现,每一个时代的世风、学风也恰好在“社会”一词的含义变动中留下了烙印,折射出了时代特色,对该名词概念的考索因而兼具有体察各个历史时期社会风貌与人文特质的深层蕴含。 “Social ” is one of the most basic vocabulary commonly used in the humanities and social sciences. The term means different from ancient to modern, with different specialties at home and abroad, with semantic richness ranging from a few to a complex, involving multiple subjects and fields at the same time. The research of this dissertation is devoted to investigating the changing course of concepts from the perspective of history. The word “social” appears in Chinese classics and refers to the exact meanings of all historical periods in ancient China until the late Qing Dynasty Cultural exchange and collision to take place and finalize the definition of the meaning of the modern knowledge of the process of change, focus on identifying the flow of the previous meaning of the transition to the latter logic behind the logic, and in this diachronic period of time how to complete Knowledge of the “metabolism” process. At the same time, the study also found that the ethos and style of study in each era left their mark on the change of the meaning of the word “social” and reflected the characteristics of the times. Therefore, the examination of the concept of the noun and therefore of each historical The Deep Implication of the Social Style and Humanities in the Period.
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