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2006年国庆节刚过,10月初的滨海油城,我们的老基地,依然是绿树成阴,碧波荡漾,而此时的苏里格却已是牧草枯黄、秋风瑟瑟了。我所在的钻井队作为大港油田当年第一支挺进苏里格的钻井队伍,已经在苏里格大气田顺利完成了7口天然气井的施工任务。刚刚完成的苏20—11—8井位于内蒙古自治区鄂托克旗西南方向约50公里的沙漠腹地中。完井后的最后一道工序是将完 The National Day just passed in 2006, early October, the coastal oil city, our old base is still the green trees into the sky, rippling blue waves, but this time the Sulige is already forage yellow, autumn windsling. As the first drilling team to advance into Sulig in Dagang Oilfield, my drilling team has successfully completed the construction of seven natural gas wells in the Sulig gas field. The newly completed Su 20-11-8 well was located in the hinterland of the desert about 50 km southwest of Etuokeqi in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. After the completion of the completion of the process is finished
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1.张才向王广借款4万元买汽车,言明一年还本息。到期后,王广多次催要未果,诉至法院。 1. Zhang only to Wang Guang borrow 40,000 yuan to buy a car, declare one year pr
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