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“我们认为,下一个开发重点或者说第五增长极,应该是以中部为主体的农业主产区,重点是解决农民问题。如果说第四增长极是为了解决老工业基地和下岗职工的问题,那么第五增长极就是为了解决传统农业、农民、农村问题。”——作者题记第五增长极的战略背景建国以来,我国坚持实施非均衡发展战略和赶超战略, 该战略的指导思想是节衣缩食,以农补工,促进农村资源向城市和工业转移,农民和农业剩余向国家集中,不惜一切代价完成工商资本的原始积累,快速实现富国强民的战略目标。在实施以农补工、优先发展重工业的战略过程中,上世纪60年代还同步实施过西线开发战略。改革开放后,非均衡发展战略推向了极端,70年代末期集中全国的资源重点发展珠江三角洲,80年代末期倾力打造长江三角洲,90年代中期重点建设京津唐及渤海三角地带,90年代末期实施西部大开发,2003年又提出了振兴东北的规划。多年的非均衡发展战略,成绩斐然,构筑了中国四大增长极,即珠三角、长三角、京津唐及渤海三角地带和东北三省(正在构筑中)。 “In our opinion, the next development focus or the fifth growth pole should be the main agriculture-producing areas with the central part as the mainstay and the focus should be on settling the peasant problems. If the fourth growth pole is to solve the problems of old industrial bases and laid-off workers , Then the Fifth Growth Pole is intended to solve the problems of traditional agriculture, peasants and rural areas. ”- The Inscription of the Writer Strategic Background of the Fifth Growth Pole Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, our country has persisted in implementing the strategy of unbalanced development and catch-up and development. The guiding ideology of this strategy is Consolidation of food and clothing, agricultural subsidies to promote the transfer of rural resources to cities and industries, farmers and agricultural surplus to the national concentration, at all costs to complete the original accumulation of industrial and commercial capital, rapid realization of the strategic goal of making rich and strong. In the implementation of the strategy of subsidizing workers and giving priority to the development of heavy industry, the western development strategy was also implemented simultaneously in the 1960s. After the reform and opening up, the unbalanced development strategy pushed to the extreme. In the late 1970s, the concentrated resources of the whole country focused on the Pearl River Delta. In the late 1980s, it endeavored to build the Yangtze River Delta. In the mid-1990s, the Beijing, Tianjin and Bohai Triangle areas were mainly constructed. In the late 1990s In carrying out the large-scale development of the western region, in 2003 it proposed the plan for rejuvenating the northeast. The multi-year unbalanced development strategy has achieved impressive results and has built the four growth poles in China, namely, the Pearl River Delta, the Yangtze River Delta, the Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan and the Bohai Sea Triangle and the three northeastern provinces (under construction).
编辑同志: 麦收即将到来,慎重选择打麦场地,是搞好麦收防火抓好安全生产的关键措施。一、打麦场要远离村庄住户,而要靠近水源对不具备靠近水源条件的麦场,可采用挖水沟引水
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