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电影属于二十一世纪的艺术这是人类梦想的。1895年法国卢米埃尔兄弟在巴黎卡普辛路的一家咖啡厅用投射的方法放映了12部(每部一分钟)影片之后,电影经历了从诞生到成长,从无声到有声,从黑白到彩色从传统电影到向高科技进步的较为完整的发展历程。中国电影从1905年到1931年经历了筚路蓝缕的拓荒期之后,迎来了30年代中国电影的第一个高潮。年轻的左翼电影艺术家们,勇敢地高扬直面人生、直面社会的现实主义旗帜,难怪外国电影学家说:“新现实主义始于中国30年代电影。”就电影艺术本身而言,学习好莱坞的电影叙事与剪辑技术,借鉴苏联蒙太奇经验,他们作了极其可贵的探索与创造,拍摄了不少的经典名片:如蔡楚生编导的《渔光曲》艺术上取得了突出的成就,于莫斯科国际电影节成为中国电影第一部获奖作品;吴永刚编导的《神女》具有最初的现实主义风采,是中国默片的典范之作;郑正秋导演的《姊妹花》轰动一时;袁牧之编剧并主演的《桃李劫》,是中国有声电影划,时代的作品,由他编导的《马路天使》,是一部久享盛誉的现实主义电影的奇葩……那时,还涌现出可与嘉宝、玛琳·黛德丽媲美的阮玲玉、天才的演员赵丹,以及“金嗓子”周璇、胡蝶等一代影星,他们所创造的银幕形象永远闪耀着不朽的艺术光辉。在今天,回眸不仅仅只是为了重温,更是为了艺术未来的进步与希望。一编者 It is human dream that the film belongs to the art of the 21st century. After the French Lumière brothers showcased 12 films (one minute each) in a cafe in Capuxin Road, Paris, in 1895, the film went from birth to growth, from silence to sound, from black and white To the color from the traditional film to high-tech progress more complete development process. Chinese films from 1905 to 1931 underwent a pioneering period, ushered in the 30’s first Chinese film climax. Young left-wing filmmakers bravely elevate their lives and face the banner of social realism. No wonder foreign filmmakers said: “Neo-realism started in the 1930s in China.” In the case of cinematic art itself, studying Hollywood movies Narrative and editing techniques, learn from the experience of the Soviet Union montage, they made a very valuable exploration and creation, shooting a lot of classic business cards: such as Cai Chusheng’s “Fishing” theme has made outstanding achievements in art, Moscow International Film Festival Became the first Chinese film award-winning works; Wu Yonggang’s “Goddess” director with the original style of realism, is the model of China’s silent film; Zheng Zhengqiu director “Sisters Flower” sensation; Yuan Muzhi starring in the “Peach Lee robbery ”, Is China’s sound film zhang, works of the times, directed by him“ road angel ”, is a wonderful movie of realism enjoyed a long time ... ... then, also emerged with Garbo, Marlene Deri comparable Ruan Ling Yu, genius actor Zhao Dan, and “Golden Throat” Zhou Xuan, Hu Die and other generation movie star, they create a screen image forever shines Artistic brilliance. Today, looking back is not just for revisiting, but also for the progress and hope of the future of the arts. An editor
Over the past 50 years,with the improvement of relationship between India and China,the scope of India studies in China’s IR research has been broadened and th