积极参加平安建设 努力为构建社会主义和谐社会作贡献——在河北省驻军参加平安建设座谈会上的讲话(节选)

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近年来,河北省委、省政府、省军区坚决贯彻落实党中央、中央军委和胡主席的一系列重要决策指示,坚持以科学发展观为指导,按照构建社会主义和谐社会的要求,广泛组织驻冀部队特别是省军区所属部队参加平安建设,推动了军地平安建设互促共进、协调发展,取得了明显成效。我感到突出的有以下几点:一是思想敏锐,行动迅速。2005年中办、国办关于开展平安建设的意见下发后,河北省委、省政府积极研究部署,在全省开展了以建设“平安河北”、构建“和谐河北”为主题的平安创建活动。河北省军区充分发挥桥梁纽带作用,积极协调驻冀部队参加平安建设,组织所属部队开展平安军营创建活动,促进了军地平安建设同步发展。2006年中央综治委、总参、总政下发军队参加平安建设的意见后,河北省委、省政府、省军区高度重视,及时成立领导机构,将驻冀部队参加平安建设纳入省平安建设的总体布局,切实加强对平安建设的组织领导。这充分反映了河北省委、省政府和省军区对党中央和胡主席关于构建社会主义和谐社会战略决策的深刻理解和高度重视,体 In recent years, Hebei Provincial Party Committee, Provincial Government and Provincial Military Region have resolutely implemented a series of important decisions and directives of the Central Party Committee of the CPC Central Committee, Central Military Commission and President Hu. They insisted on the guidance of the scientific concept of development and the requirements of building a harmonious socialist society The units under the Hebei Provincial Army, especially the military units affiliated with the provincial military forces, took part in the peaceful construction and promoted the peaceful development of the military field to promote the coordinated development with each other and achieved remarkable results. I feel the following highlights: First, quick-witted, quick action. After the Opinions of China Office and State-run Office on Carrying Out Peaceful Construction were Issued in 2005, Hebei Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government actively studied and deployed the project. In the province, the theme of building “Safe Hebei” and building “Harmonious Hebei” Peaceful creation activities. Hebei Military Region gave full play to its role as a bridge between the two sides and actively coordinated the stationing of the troops stationed in Hebei in the peaceful construction and organized the units under their command to carry out the peace camp construction activities and promoted the simultaneous development of the military and civilian areas in a safe and secure manner. After the Central Committee of the Comprehensive Commission for Comprehensive Management, the General Staff and the General Political Department issued the opinions on appearing in peacebuilding in 2006, Hebei provincial party committee and provincial government attached great importance to the military region and set up leading bodies in time to bring the troops stationed in Hebei Province into the safe construction of the province Overall layout, effectively strengthen the organizational leadership of the safe construction. This fully reflects the deep understanding and attach great importance to the strategic decision-making made by the Central Party Committee of CPC and Chairman Hu about building a harmonious socialist society by the Hebei provincial party committee, provincial government and military region
军民结合是实现良性互动的关键,推进市场化是实现良性互动的根本途径。我国国防科技工业加快市场化进程是大势所趋。 The integration of soldiers and civilians is the ke
我知道红军长征是从上世纪60年代初阅读《星火燎原》开始的。当时,既感动于老革命老前辈浴血奋战、前仆后继、勇往直前的伟大历程,更在一篇篇描述红军跋山涉水、爬冰卧雪、艰苦卓绝的英雄事迹中,记住了红军将士八角帽上那颗红星。  我也曾反复思考,长征时间如此之长,行程如此之远,环境如此险恶,战斗如此惨烈,且在缺衣少粮的情况下,攀越20多座海拔4000米以上空气稀薄的雪山,穿越近乎“死亡禁地”的茫茫草地……红
我的大学生活非常丰富,我总是很忙,社团,恋爱,交友,上网,学习,开店,整天上蹿下跳。我可以在自己的名字前面加上一长串的形容词。  跟朋友们吃饭,我吐槽学业:“学建筑就是苦逼,上回交图我熬夜了整整一星期。上节课老师把我方案改得面目全非,这节课你猜怎么着?他都不认识自己改的方案了,还让我再改!别的专业还老不理解我们,觉得我们闲!你去画个图试试看?……唉,不说了,我赶紧回去突击方案了。”  在同学面前,
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